Her shattered heart 3

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Hii guys,

Let's continue the story,

So after Closing the door,

Raghav start sending all the details to Dev while abhira was cross checking all the details so that nothing should be missed. Suddenly the door bell rings and Raghav went to check.

He saw some unknown man who pushed him slightly and entered the room.

Man:-) (Little loudly) Abhiraaa

Abhira saw the man and got shocked.

Abhira:-) (Shocked) You??? What are you doing here?

Armaan:-) (A little Rudely) I think I should asked you this question.

Raghav:-) (Confused) Cutie pie did you know him?

Hearing cutie pie armaan felt anger in his veins.

Abhira :-) Yes, he is Armaan Poddar, one of the famous lawyer of udaipur.

Armaan:-) (With pride) And Abhira's husband

Hearing it both Abhira and Raghav were shocked.

Raghav:-) (excitedly and non stop) What! Armaan Poddar is your husband cutie pie. Why you never told me. You are so lucky yaar and why won't you be even your are crush of whole office, everyone want to befriend you and you know naa if you had been single then till now all the male of office had already proposed you. Andd....

Abhira :-) (stopping him) bas Rags How much you speak.... take some breathe..

Armaan Pov

What all the males had crush on abhira. Why she didn't told me? It means the office is really unsafe for her and What the hell, What kind of names they had given to each other cutie pie and rags. I know abhira is cute but he doesn't have any right to call her like this and why did she call him rags. And why the hell she is with him in his Room and Pretending to be his wife....I have to talk to her.

Armaan Pov ended.

Armaan:-) (With authority in his voice) Mrs.Poddar I want to talk to you. So could you please come in our room.

Abhira:-) (Shocked at Mrs.poddar but still Covering up her shock) Hmm

Armaan:-) Room no 101

Saying this armaan left after glaring Raghav.

Raghav:-) (Cheerfully) Cutie pie your husband loves you so much that he didn't able to live without you for even a day. Very lucky.

Abhira fakes a smiles.

Abhira's POV
What is armaan doing here.? And Why did he refered me Mrs. Poddar when he didn't regard me his wife. Why did I saw anger in those eyes. Those eyes could have burnt Raghav but why.

Abhira came out of his thinking world hearing Raghav voice.

Raghav:-) (Teasing) Abhira you should go now... Mr. Poddar must be waiting for Mrs. Poddar...

Abhira:-) (Glaring Raghav) Yes.. Yes you want me to go away so that you can talk to your Riddhi ... right.

Raghav blushed.

Abhira smiled and left.

While going toward armaan room with trembling hand she goes into flashback

As soon as both (Raghav and abhira) freshen up and meet, Raghav got message that they were going to meet in XYZ special couple area to discuss about their next target.

Abhira:-) (thinking)Now how we will  got to know what is their next plan.

Raghav:-) (with not sure expression) I have an idea but don't know, you will ne ok with it or not.

Abhira:-) Tell me the idea first.

Raghav:-) See We will go as husband and wife and will listen their all plans so that we could destroy their plan.

Abhira:-) (Shocked) What! How canwe do this. Did you forget I am married.

Raghav:-) We have to do this,  we don't have any option.Try to understand.  I know it is difficult for you but we have do it for all those girls who get trapped in this fraud.

Abhira think for some time and agreed to him

Flashback back ended.

Soon she was standing infront of Armaan's room , she unsurly belled the ring  and armaan said come in but as soon as abhira saw him, she closed his eyes as Armaan isn't wearing his shirt and some water droplets were coming down from his face.

Abhira:-) (Closing her eyes) What the hell armaan, Why are you not wearing your shirt...

Armaan :-)I had just taken a quick shower and why are you Closing your eyes. Iam your husband. ...

Abhira:-) (interrupting him) dealed husband...

Armaan:-) (Little angry) Even In deal husband.. husband word came so you are my wife and I am your husband.

He said all this and then pulled abhira toward himself.

Abhira got shocked and felt intense emotions but she controlled herself.

Abhira:-) (Pushing him with all her power) We are dealed husband wife. So please don't cross your limits ok.

Armaan Angrily pulled abhira to him she landed on his chest.

Armaan:-) (Angrily) Oh! So you are uncomfortable with your husband but you didn't told about limits to that stupid Raghav who Crossed his limits and taken my wife for dinner by making her Mrs. Rajput...(Pulling her more closer) Why the hell you had gone to dinner with him that too Pretending to be Mrs. Rajput.

Abhira was shocked.

Abhira:-) (Trying to come out of his grip and little angry) What! You are keeping eye on me. How dare you Armaan to do this. I am free to go anywhere with anyone. I don't owe any explanation to you Armaan.

Armaan :-) (Dangerous voice) You owe me explanation Mrs. Abhira Armaan Poddar, don't forget that I am your husband in every manner and talking about keeping an eye then listen me carefully When you have such a beautiful wife and that too who work outside then husband have to be careful.

Abhira:-) (Feeling weak as her heart is melting) Armaan I think you are not in your sense that why you are speaking weird things you should need some rest so that your mind came back to its sense.

Armaan:-) (Huskily) I am in my sense and I know What I am saying but tell why you pretended to be Mrs. Rajput I know I have done mistakes in my past but I know you couldn't do this without any reason so please tell me.

Abhira:-) (Angrily) No armaan, you never trusted me in the past so now I will not give you any explanation think whatever you want to think...

Saying this abhira pushed armaan but he hold his wrist and pulled her.

Armaan:-) (Huskily) I know my closeness is affecting you but listen to me carefully I won't let you go until you told me the truth.

Abhira tried her best to come out of his grip but failed and the closeness were also affecting him so having no other option she told them the truth.

Then she pushed him and went to her room and calmed her racing heart.

Abhira POV

Why was armaan jealous? Did he loves me? No abhira, please don't build hopes if this time your heart break then you will never be able to mend it.


Armaan POV

Why I feel so jealous of that Raghav. Why I felt so insecure when I see Raghav and abhira together as Mr and Mrs. Rajput. Why I felt to punch Raghav when   he called abhira cutie pie? Why I felt to hide abhira from the whole world when Raghav said that all the males of office had crush on her. Why? Why? Why? Did I love Abhira? Did My heart beat for abhira?

Armaan went deep in thoughts.

That's it guys.

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Till the next update bye guys

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