cryptic pregnancy (requested)

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"Don't worry, baby. Everything's going to be okay, you're just fine." Selena comfortingly spoke as she and Taylor walked into the hospital with you.

"We need some help," Taylor said to the nurse as you groaned in pain. "Our wife slipped on the ice and she broke her foot."

Selena comfortingly rubbed your back as Taylor kept her arm around you to keep you steady.

"Okay before we take her back, can you fill these forms out real fast?"

Taylor and Selena were very unhappy with the question but they knew they had to do it to get you seen.

"I'll fill them out for her real fast," Selena said as she took the papers from the nurse.

"It's okay, baby. Come on, let's get you sitting down." Taylor said as she helped you to one of the empty chairs in the waiting room.

Selena filled them all out as fast as she could and then turned them in before the three of you sighed in relief as the nurse let you back.

"We'll need to do an X-ray to be sure that it's a break but before we can do that, is there any chance you could be pregnant?"

You sighed as you shrugged your shoulders.

"We've been trying to have a baby for a while now. We were trying IVF but every test I've taken every time I've gone through has come up negative." You said.

"Okay well let's do one now just to be safe."

You agreed and Taylor helped you to the bathroom while Selena anxiously waited for you both to return.

Once you did, you all waited for the results while you refused to get your hopes up.

"Please don't get excited. It's been a while since we've done IVF and every test has been negative. It's highly unlikely." You said.

"We know, baby. We're not getting our hopes up." Selena said.

After a few more minutes of waiting, the doctor came into the room.

"Okay, so we have the results back. Did you know that you're pregnant?"

Taylor and Selena quickly looked at you.

"No, absolutely not. Every test has been negative!"

The doctor nodded as he sat down on the chair.

"So according to the last round of IVF you had, I believe that we have a case of cryptic pregnancy. It's when people who are pregnant are unaware of the pregnancy, sometimes even up until labor begins. Had you not broken your foot, you probably would've been one of them."

You could hear him talking but his words were hardly registering because you were so shocked by the news.

"I'm more than happy to answer any questions the three of you may have. I want to do an ultrasound as well and we will still take care of that foot, I promise."

"Thank you." Taylor smiled.

Selena was tearing up from the joy she was feeling and it didn't take long for you and Taylor to do the same as the news sank in.

"We're having a baby!" You grinned.

"Finally!" Selena said before you all hugged and cried, overjoyed about the unexpected but amazing news.

A few months have gone by since that day.

Despite being heavily pregnant and due any day, you're still not showing all that much.

But there's no denying that a little human is growing inside of you judging by the ultrasounds you've had and the positive pregnancy results you saw that day.

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