Chapter 1:Anna

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''Daddy,I'm sorry''.He didn't care.My white pijamas became red.He slapped me.''You are a disgrace.You shouldn't exist''My dad slapped me.My mom came and took me to my room.

I woke up with watery eyes and I was sweating.The first time my dad hit me was when I was 5.The last time was 2 weeks ago.My cat came and started to cuddle with me cause he felt like I wasn't ok.Today I needed to travel for a new Grand Prix.Miami to be exact.I always liked F1,but I wasn't that obbsesive as my dad.He is so obbsesed that he became the team principal to a F1 team,Scuderia Rojo.We weren't the best,but we were out there.I don't know I am saying we,even tho I didn't wanted to be associated with that cruel men ever in my life.I got my laugage ready.I was forced to get at least one team merch,even tho red didn't suited me very well.I cannot wait for this Grand Prix to end and to come back in England to apply for the job I want.I wanna apply to be a fashion writer at Vogue UK.It's my dream since i was 13.Then I could maybe escape from this chaos named my familiy.The only one who was a little bit normal,even tho he is very annoying,is my brother John.But unfortualtely he can't be with me all the time because he is Canada to be a hockey player.So sad he is let to pursue his dreams,and I am blocked here,abused and sad.I told him that I want to escape this,but he said that I needed to get my bachelor's first.Now maybe he will let me stay with him.I put my hair into a sleek bun,made a light makeup and I got myself an Uber.If my dad would hear me,he would die.Even tho he thinks I am a disgrace,and he said it multiple times,still gets me a driver.But not the kind I want.There is a driver I really like.His name is Sebastian and he is one of the drivers on my dads team.He is so handsome.And his charisma is through the roof.But he treats me like his sister because we know eachother for 5 years.He never looked at me that way and probably he wouldn't do it in the future as well.I like his driving style and how he looks with and without the helmet.

I got to the airport.I missed to travel.And take photos of the sky.But the thing that I didn't miss about that is that I am going to see my father again.I woke up 2 hours early just to try and cover up the bruises.I could say I did a great job.My brother will be there too.I can hang out with him.

I get off the plane and wait for my driver.When I get in the car I see my brother and Sebastian:

-Hi!Wait,weren't you gonna come tommorow?*I say to my brother*

-Surprize!I know you're not gonna stay here after the Grand Prix because you cannot stand dad so I thought I can come early.

-Hi Anna!

-Hi Sebastian!

In the moment I say hi to Sebastian my body made a pick me girl move.I put a strand of hair behind my ear.I am not responsable of what my body does when this men is near me.

-So do you wanna do somethin fun guys?*my brother asks*

-What can you do fun here?

-Maybe go to a shopping session?*Sebastian says*

-My dad put a limit on my card and I already pass it.I cannot get anything!

-I can get you something Anna.

-I can't ask you that

-You're not asking,I'm offering.

-Can we go and eat something and then go to the hotel? I have money just for that

-You're no fun sis!

-I could be fun if dad wasn't a dick

-Hey,he's still dad

-You sound just like mom.Why do you say that?You are behaiving like he didn't do anything to you?

-Even that,he is still your father!

-And?He is still a dick.And you're just like dad!I hate you!

-What did you said?

-What you heard,and stop the car,I wanna leave

-You cannot do that!

-Who says that?


-And?You are not having any authority on me!You cannot tell me what to do!

-But dad told me to bring you safe!

-Dad doesn't even care about me!

-Why do you say that?

-Because if he cared about me he wouldn't do this!*I take a napkin and wipe a little bit of my makeup so my brother can see my bruises*

-Anna,are you ok?*Sebastian asks*

-I am ok!It's not very concerning but still.I better sleep on the streets than speak to him.Let me out

-Ok,now go!

I come out of the car but I hear another door open.Sebastian comes out of the car and takes my hand.My brother is screaming at him to come back in the car.He doesn't care.He close the door with his foot and pulls me into a hug:

-Do you wanna go and eat something?

-Yes,but I only have money for Mcdonald's

-Do you wanna go there?

-Well,I haven't been there in a while,so yes.

We got a Uber and got to the closest Mcdonald's.I only wanted to get a little burger,cause it was the only thing I could afford,but before I could pay Sebastian got in front of me and ordered half the menu:

-I cannot pay for all of that!

-Who says you pay?

-No please!Can you get these and I'm gonna give you the rest after please?

-Keep your money Anna.It's my pleasure!

We ate all of that (well mostly him) and then decided to have a little walk in a park that was near.All that walk I was just thinking of what I said to my brother.I think I hurted him.But he did that too.I think I should talk to him.Or maybe let him for a few days.

I hope you like the first chapter of the book.Let me know in the comments!Love u!❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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