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The three friends including Trinity's sister in-law Rashida all got ready to head to the night club before Rashad's and Trinity honeymoon to the Bahamas

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The three friends including Trinity's sister in-law Rashida all got ready to head to the night club before Rashad's and Trinity honeymoon to the Bahamas... Everybody else was heading back home on the private jet because of work. Rashad didn't like the outfit his sister had on but she rolled her eyes cause she don't care what he like or don't like, she thought she look fabulous. Rashid also didn't like the outfit she had on and demanded she change but she just look at him and started laughing because she's not changing her fit for her brothers. Trinity had her sister in-law back and told her that the outfit is perfect and cute on her, she had put on a diamond necklace around her to go along with her dress.

Chasity was ready to find a man in Cancun before she head back home while Asia just ready to party and dance all night til her feet hurt.

With a final glance in the mirror, the trio was ready to take on the night. Rashida, still sporting her daring outfit, blew a kiss at her brothers, who were shaking their heads in disapproval. Trinity, however, gave her a warm smile and a thumbs-up, admiring the diamond necklace that complemented her dress perfectly.

Chasity, meanwhile, was on a mission to find a charming stranger to share a romantic night with, while Asia was simply excited to let loose and dance the night away.

As they made their way to the nightclub, the energy was electric. The music pulsed through their veins, and the flashing lights illuminated their excited faces. They were ready to create unforgettable memories, and the night was just beginning!

They ended stopping at the bar to get a drink so they can turn up the dance floor, Trinity and Chasity love the dark liquor so they both got Hennessy and since Asia and Rashida love the light, they both gotta shot of Don Julio.

"Hennythinggg is possible but also don julio act a fooliooo!"Asia slurred downing her drink and going out on the dance floor shaking what her mama gave her. Rashida and Chasity went out to joined her on the dance floor, they ain't have no care in the world they were turnt up.

The club was pulsating with energy, and the friends were living their best lives. Asia, already feeling the effects of the Don Julio, was dancing seductively, her moves mesmerizing the crowd. Rashida and Chasity joined in, their bodies moving in perfect sync, as they twerked and spun to the rhythm.

Trinity, after downing a few more shots of Hennessy, finally joined the party, her confidence and sass on full display. She dropped into a flawless split, her booty still popping to the beat, leaving the crowd in awe. The friends were turning up the dance floor, their laughter and joy infectious, drawing in a crowd of admirers.

As the night wore on, the music got louder, and the friends' moves got wilder. They were living in the moment, free from worries and inhibitions, lost in the thrill of the night. And when the DJ dropped the next hit, they were ready, their bodies moving as one, a whirlwind of energy and excitement.

Rashida joked, her words slurring, "That's how you and my brother made my niece Serenity?" Trinity laugh at the joke, she ended up bending over shaking her ass and throwing it in rotation.

"And did, we're planning on having another one on our honeymoon. I'm a be just like this,"Trinity showed her girls what she going to be doing when her and Rashad have their next baby.

Rashida burst out laughing, her eyes shining with mirth. "Oh girl, you're a mess! But I love it!" She joined in, dancing alongside Trinity, their bodies moving in perfect sync.

Asia and Chasity cheered, "Yessss, give us another cute baby to spoil!"

As the music reached its climax, Trinity struck a pose, her hands on her hips, and her booty still shaking. "I'm gonna be a baby-making machine, and Rashad's gonna be the proud papa!"

The friends erupted into laughter, their joy and camaraderie filling the club. They were living their best lives, and nothing could bring them down. The night was young, and the party was far from over!

Back at the hotel, Rashad, Rashid, Kentrell, Marcus and Kenneth was thinking about what the girls was doing at the nightclub and hope they're not showing out. They wanted to go popped up on them when Serenity came and jumped on her daddy's lap smiling, she wanted to do some art at the table.

Rashad smiled, scooping up Serenity in his arms. "Hey, baby girl! What are you doing up so late?" He glanced at his watch, realizing the night was still young.

Serenity giggled, "I wanna do art, Daddy!" She pointed to the table, where a coloring book and crayons lay.

Rashad chuckled, "Okay, let's get creative!" He sat down with Serenity, and the other guys joined in, watching as she began to color outside the lines.

As they engaged in a fun art session, the guys couldn't help but wonder what kind of adventures their significant others were having at the nightclub. Little did they know, the girls were living their best lives, dancing and laughing together, completely carefree!

It was 5 in the morning and the girls still ain't make back to the hotel, they wanted to stay out all night but Trinity's phone got to blowing up with text messages and calls from Rashad telling her to bring her ass back, he was missing her like crazy. She was super drunk that she could barely talk straight, it was gibberish and the girls cracked up laughing trying to walk straight. They didn't how they were getting back to the hotel because neither one of them can't drive drunk.

Trinity held her phone, squinting at the screen, trying to make sense of Rashad's messages. "Gibberish... gibberish... oh, he wants me to come back!" She giggled, her words slurring together.

The girls burst into laughter, holding onto each other for support. "How are we getting back to the hotel?" Asia asked, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings.

Chasity shrugged, "I don't know, but we can't drive like this!"

Rashida suggested, "Let's call a taxi... or an Uber... or... uh... a magic carpet!"

Trinity nodded enthusiastically, "Yes! A magic carpet! That's exactly what we need!"

As they stood there, trying to hail a ride, they couldn't help but crack each other up with their silly antics. Little did they know, Rashad was getting anxious, and their night was about to take a dramatic turn!

As they was trying to hailed a cab and trying to stand up straight, Rashad had pulled up with the boys.

Rashad jumped out of the car, a mix of relief and amusement on his face. "Well, well, well! Look what we got here!"

The girls turned, still giggling, and squinted at the approaching figures. "Rashad! And the boys!" Trinity exclaimed, her voice slurred.

Rashid, Kentrell, Marcus, and Kenneth chuckled, shaking their heads in disbelief. "Looks like we arrived just in time," Rashid said, helping Asia into the car.

Rashad swept Trinity into his arms, cradling her like a baby. "You're lucky I'm here to save you, girl!"

Trinity snuggled into his chest, still babbling incoherently. "Magic carpet... gibberish... Rashad, I love you!"

The boys laughed, piling into the car with the girls. "Well, at least they had a good time," Kenneth said, grinning.

As they drove off into the night, the group's laughter and chatter filled the air, a night to remember for years to come!

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