Dr. Ratio x Nb!Reader || AU

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     Synopsis: You guys are both teachers but you're competing in whose advisory is better than one another but your students start bothering yall and he helps u.

(The story is set in a senior highschool teacher au)

!Slight OOC!


     Aghhh... That Veritas Ratio again!

     I thought while staring at the list of mine and his students achiever this quarter. His students having 9 gold awardees, 12 silver and 21 bronze. Having no student missing an award.

     As for me? A whopping 3 gold, 13 silver and 25 bronze with 4 having no awards. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of my students no matter their achievements as long as they're improving. I also pride and enjoy myself in teaching science. I also want my students to learn at their own pace which they can enjoy studying and learning.

     But Ratio is getting higher rates of students that get achievements... His way of teaching is rather... Strict. But I won't let that get in my way if teaching... I'd rather be teaching my students at a slow pace as long as they're learning compared to rushing them but they end up not learning anything. However, just seeing this man win still boils my blood.

     My thoughts then got interrupted by the devil himself, Veritas Fucking Ratio.

     "If I'm correct, that's the official list of my student awardees?"

     I turned to him who was smirking.

     "Well are you blind? No shit."

     He scoffed.

     "Well if you want to admire my teaching, don't crumble the paper by gripping it too tight."

     "You!- Ugh, whatever, take your stupid list."

     I shoved the paper at his chest and turned back to my table and started grading papers.

     I'm not necessarily mad because he's greater than me — well, partially. But another part of it is that no matter my hatred for him, it seems to be overlapped by... God it's so awkward to say... Attraction...?

     I shivered at that thought. Seriously, that's cringe! A relationship with that man...? For real?

     My gaze turned to him beside me who was reading a mathematics book, probably studying his next topic. But knowing him, his genius ass probably knows it all... Ugh, why am I checking him out? I turned back to my papers and continued grading until the lunch bell rang.

     "You're not eating lunch, Y/n?"

     Ruan mei, my fellow co-teacher asked who's desk was just across mine in the teachers faculty.

     "Ah, later. I'll just finish these real quick."

     She nodded before going outside the teachers faculty. As for me, I returned to checking my papers.

     With that, I didn't even notice it's been 45 minutes out of the given time we have for lunch; 1 hour. In the end, I ended up not eating lunch and just taught 2 lectures for 2 hours straight without any lunch nor snacks.

     "Remember guys, homework at page 298. Copy and answer, deadlines tomorrow. Please let your absent classmates know about this. Class dismissed..."

     I dismissed my class and sat down my chair, waving bye at my students kind enough to do so. Once all the students are out the class, I slumped down my chair and massaged my temples.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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