This is not happening!

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Ella POV:

I spent the rest of the evening looking for a new job, but unfortunately not one of the vacancies matched my profile and qualifications, I knew that my profile was not very sought after, but that with my language skills, I would have nowhere to find a new job, literally pushed me into a hole, that seemed to get deeper and deeper.

"Pull yourself together! There needs to be more customer service jobs," I called myself sternly to order. The chance that my contract would be extended was small, if you took into consideration that I hardly had any social contacts with my colleague, unfortunately that had happened to me several times before, ultimately being the reason, I lost the job.

However, before I could continue my search, the door was kicked in and felt a sack pulled over my head, a stab in my right arm, and everything around me went black.

When I came to, I heard several people around me or was it less? My head was pounding, and I tried to stay calm, carefully I opened my eyes and was met with darkness, either I was in a dark room somewhere, or the sack was still over my head, my hands were tied behind my back, I felt the shackles on my wrists and feet. In order not to betray myself, I did not move, deliberately kept my breathing still and I was frightened of myself, where did I manage to stay calm? Shouldn't I be panicking?

I was surprised at the silence itself, who had kidnapped me and why? I had done everything I could not to attract attention, I had lived as inconspicuously as possible. Always showed up on time for work, was literally hiding in the background. Still, it wasn't enough. "Let's see if Sleeping Beauty is awake" I heard a male voice say before the sack was torn from my head and the daylight painfully took away my vision, my eyes needed more time to get used to the sudden light. As my vision became clearer, I was faced with a guy with a bulbous nose, either his nose had been broken too many times, or he had hit himself on the head too many times, his face looking unnaturally flat. He forcibly turned my face so that I had to look at him, his brown eyes were so ice-cold that it sent shivers down my spine.

Whatever reason I was here, I probably wouldn't survive it. "Let her go! You know that we must hand her over unharmed," a second, gaunt guy intervened and finally Bulbous Nose, as I had secretly christened him, let me go. Someone had hired these two to kidnap me. "Do you always have to be a killjoy?" the first guy replied, sounding almost whiny, like a little child who has had his toys taken away. This quick change from confident to insecure confused me, was it not he who was in charge, but his colleague?

"I'd listen to your buddy" a third male voice chimed in, and I hoped very much that I misheard, that I didn't hear that voice and that the two men who entered the room weren't real. It had to be a dream, there was no other way to explain it.

The fear I was trying to suppress was trying to get the upper hand, I had to keep a clear head now, later I could still go crazy, then I could lose my nerve and wonder if I had completely lost my mind.

Elijah POV:

"You have a surprise?" I asked and followed my brother Kol, through the old, abandoned warehouse, he had spoken of a surprise. In the meantime, I regretted that I had been persuaded by Niklaus and Rebekah to spend more time with Kol, because it always resulted in him going over the top and I had to cover up afterwards what he had done. Kol was tipping his henchmen to listen to someone when I entered the room and a guy was sitting next to a young woman, she was tied up and I couldn't see her face, her dark brown hair that she had cut a pixie cut and part of the glasses she was wearing, the bigger and wider of the two turned to us and backed away right in front of the young woman and gave the View of them clearly. The feeling of the ground being pulled out from under my feet came over me like a wave of water. This could not be, this was impossible.

I had seen her die, feel the life flowing out of her body, how her life essence had been absorbed by New Orleans and how she had become part of her ancestors. Estella

But the woman who sat there couldn't possibly be her, she had told me herself that when she died, she would become part of her ancestors, rebirth was out of the question. "That's your surprise?" I asked my brother and decided to free the young woman from her bonds. She backed away from me as I approached her as far as she could. Instead of dwelling on the fact that she looked like my fiancée, whom I had lost two hundred years ago, I loosened the shackles and let her go. I listened until her footsteps had receded, and she could no longer be near before I turned to my brother and demanded answers from him.

"I had found your girlfriend for you and so you thank me?" Kol replied to me as he took care of the two men by manipulating them to forget everything and go home. The memories and the feelings associated with them threatened to flood me. The pain of losing Estella threatened to resurface.

"Where are we going to get married? In a church or privately, without a clergyman?" Estella pestered her upcoming husband as they walked the streets of the Naughty Quarter in New Orleans, her hand hooked under his arm, and she felt more than she heard his laughter. "Whatever you want, I know a beautiful place in France," Elijah answered, looking at his fiancée with her green eyes, her wild light blonde curls, and the loveliest smile he had ever seen. The fact that she had accepted his proposal still made him feel like he was walking on clouds. Although marriage was frowned upon in her case, she was a practicing witch while he was a original vampire, and so they were mortal enemies. But somehow Cupid had thought that there should be some peace between the supernatural races and had brought together two disparate personalities.

The wild, passionate, and friendly Estella, who quickly struck up a conversation with everyone and was welcomed by everyone, and the somewhat quieter, reserved gentlemen Elijah, an unlikely couple as had often been said, who, despite their differences, had nevertheless found each other and where no one yet suspected how cruel death could be.

It took all my willpower to push back the memory, I couldn't and didn't want to have to go through the pain of her dying in my arms again.

"Estella is death and she won't come back, you had an innocent woman kidnapped" I clarified and left him alone, I had to find the young woman and make her forget what she had seen here and what had happened. I should have done that earlier, but I'd been so busy ignoring her strong resemblance to Estella that I'd just forgotten about it. A momentous mistake if I can't find her and manipulate her memory.

To my surprise, I found her faster than she would have liked, I could tell from her posture that she had spotted me as I approached the bus stop where she was waiting for the bus, her breathing was quick, which led me to conclude that she had run to the bus stop. "I don't have anything to do with them" I addressed her as I approached slowly, the mistrust and fear in her gaze were understandable and I immediately noticed that she had blue eyes that stood out less through her glasses than without glasses, which made it more difficult to adjust her memories. Before I could get any closer to her, the bus pulled up to the bus stop and she literally jumped on the bus to leave me behind. I had to watch her disappear out of sight, knowing that Kol's henchmen had kidnapped her. I could only hope that she would go back to her apartment, then I would have the opportunity to manipulate her memory. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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