75~ His Hate

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Tarakshya's POV

I entered the pool premises, and unwanted attention turned toward me, making me want to roll my eyes.

My eyes roamed around and halted on a couple standing in the swimming pool, arguing over something. Of course, it was my love and her so-called husband.

My stares roamed on her body and I sucked for breath, her clothes were sticking to her flesh, showing her perfect curves, fucking hot!!!!

I smiled when she angrily snapped at him, puffing her red cheeks, looking oh so adorable.

How the fuck I wish to take her raw, but this useless heart is scared of hurting her in any way.

My thoughts were interrupted when something soft hit my legs and I glanced downward to see a little baby boy rubbing his forehead.

It took a few moments for me to recognize the kiddo.

"Heyy, hello," I sweetly greeted, and the boy lifted his eyes, leaving me speechless after seeing his chubby face.

I had to admit, the boy had sharp features like his father, yet his mother's innocence overpowered it.

"Hello," he greeted with a forced smile and tried to walk away, but I was quick enough to lift him in my arms and walk over to a poolside bench, where I set him down and sat beside him.

"It's bad manners to lift someone without their permission. Didn't your Mumma teach you?" he said with a frown, and I chuckled, finding his words both cute and interesting.

I could see his father's attitude in his words, and there was no doubt that he was going to inherit his father's maliciousness.

"Hi, I'm Tarakshya. You can call me Takshya," I introduced myself, and he moved his eyes over me, scanning as if trying to discern my intention.

I fucking loved his manners. He seemed sensible even at his young age. Suddenly, he moved his eyes towards his little brother, who was playing with girls, and then turned towards me.

He extended his little palm towards my extra-large palm and said with a smile, "Hello, Task. I'm Ayaan."

I chuckled hearing my name butchered in his cute voice and corrected him, "It's Takshya, little one."

He frowned, feeling embarrassed, and corrected himself, "I'm sorry, Tusk. Big boys make mistakes too, though I'm learning not to make them."

I just stared at his adorable face, finding him too interesting. I didn't correct him this time and played along, "Now you pronounced it correctly, like a perfect big boy."

"Really?" he asked, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Yes," I answered, seeing the priceless smile on the little kid's face. "I am your Mum's friend." I introduced taking a chance.

He heard it and lifted his eyes excitedly, "Did you meet her? Did she tell you when she is coming to me? Could you tell her that I am missing her?"

I frowned with suspicion but calmly handled the situation and asked, pointing towards her, "Isn't she your mom?"

He glanced at her, who was in his father's arms, and suddenly his face fell. I was sure something was fishy there.

"Don't you like her?" I asked, and he stared at me before shaking his head. I went speechless.

"She isn't my Mumma, and Vikram Bhaiyya said she wants to snatch my Mumma's place," he explained, and my heart sank.

The pain in his voice made me stare at him with shock, but I didn't open my mouth. I wanted to hear him out.

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