Part 2

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It was Monday morning and time to start getting ready for work. I went for my early morning jog like always. Once I got back I made breakfast and went up to breastfeed Spencer. He went back down and I went to shower to get ready for work. When I walked in our room Keyion was already in the shower so I decided to wait a little. While he was in the shower his phone when off. I walked over to look to see who it was and it was Rowan saying "Bro you need to just tell her it was a mistake anyway." I was so lost in the text I didn't realize the shower water had turned off.

"What are you doing?" Keyion asked. I jumped and dropped his phone in the process. I looked up at him as he was walking over to me. He bent down and picked up his phone and looked at it to see I had opened his message. "Skylar did you just read my messages?" He looked at me kind of pissed. I just walked away so I could shower and get ready for work. I heard him follow behind me. "Skylar you don't hear me talking to you?" He asked with a little more base in his voice as if he was trying to get angry. " Tell who what? What do you have to tell someone?" I asked.

"Wow so this is what we're doing now reading each other messages?" "Are you serious Skylar?" He asked sounding angry.

"Answer my damn question. Yes I read it so what since when do we have secrets in this house?" I yelled. He turned around and walked away.

"Oh now you can't talk just a few minutes ago you wanted to talk so tell me what was a fucking mistake Keyion?" I yelled at him.

" None of your fucking business it doesn't concern you ok. Listen I don't have to tell you every little fucking detail that happens in my life. I would like to keep some shit to myself for a change damn. Is that to much to ask for just a little fucking privacy once in awhile." He yelled back at me.

I have never seen him like this before. I zoned out for a second the only thing that brought me back was hearing Spencer crying. I just stood there for a second I turned around and walked out the room before the tears started falling. I walked into Spencer room and picked him up to stop him from crying. I held him tight to my chest in hopes of stopping my own tears. I didn't even bother in going back into our room. I sat Spencer in his chair and brought him into his bathroom where i decided to shower this morning. I closed the door and locked it just incase Keyion tried to come in. I got out, washed Spencer up so I could get us both dress. After I was finished I walked into Kam room to see she wasn't in there.

"Kam baby where are you so I could get you dress." I yelled while walking down the stairs. Once I got downstairs she was sitting at the table eating by herself and dressed. Keyion was already gone by then. I gave Spencer one of his pouches so we could leave the house. I put the kids in the car and started driving. I was so zoned out my whole morning was a blur.

"Sky, Sky, Skylar." I heard Rory yell out.

I snapped back to reality. "Yea I'm sorry. What's up?" I asked.

"Are you ok girl? You look a little off today. How was your weekend did you enjoy yourself? I see that new rock on your finger shining." She stated.

I looked down at my finger and back up at her. I took the ring off my finger and put it in my top drawer. Tears started falling down my face.

"Omg wait what happened? Are you ok Sky?" Rory asked sounding concerned. I just shook my head no. She closed my office door and walked over to me and hugged me. I couldn't help but to cry even more. I just had the biggest fight with my husband and just felt like my whole world was crashing down. After a few minutes I wiped my face.

"I don't know what's going on with us I thought everything was good. The weekend was wonderful. He even gave me another ring and asked me to marry him again to renew our vows. Then this morning everything went wrong, he's keeping secrets from me now." I told her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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