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Razia's POV
I woke up on the usual boring Monday morning.I looked at my closet full of black abayas, which is clearly not by choice.

My dad thinks women wearing other colors apart from black was wrong.He believed a woman should always wear black because it doesn't call attention.

He forced my mom and now me and my sister.He also rebukes my older brother Mansoor for not being able to grow a beard.

He also blames my mom's genes for that.My brother is a cabon copy of her, while my little sister muiba is copy of my dad.

Me ,I look nothing like both and am happy about that.Am the middle child, offcourse the odd one out.

Unlike my siblings I didn't play by the rules,I wore what I wanted.Women are allowed to wear different colors as long as it wasn't bold,deep or flashy.

But my dad thinks otherwise which explains all the black abayas.I wore a long sleeved top as an inner as I wore a sweater top over it which reached my knees ,I wore loose pants under

I was secretly in the martial arts class, leaving me by default in pants.I covered it off with my black abaya and white shoes.

My sweater outfit always made me look like a nerd but I couldn't help it,It was cold out.

I had my black hijab on.I came down for breakfast luckily my dad was out for work,so my siblings mom and I can breathe.

I walked out of the house and went to a nearby shop near our school and took off the abaya.

On my way my friend naida skated to me.She was a hijabi just like me,but wore dresses often.

Even with her hijab , she had a cap turned to the opposite side on.

Razia:you are going to get busted if your parents see that cap.
Naida:look who is talking.
Razia: let's just go,we are getting late.

We went to school.Being hijabis in school wasn't easy but we got used to it.

My parents, particularly my dad,wanted me to choose home econmics,so that I would learn more about cooking.

And for extras,he forced me into literature so that I would be fluent in English.He wanted people to know that his kids were well educated.

Little did he know,I changed courses to technicals, and was studying to be an engineer.

I already learnt alot from mechanics.
For my extras instead of lit,I choose martial arts, like I chose in high school.

I am 19, and this is my second year at the University.After studies,I went for martial arts,I just loved it.

Closing,naida and I met.
Razia: I need to go to the race zone.
Naida:I can't come with.I need to study.
Razia: come on,you can study over there.

(We often told our parents that we took after school classes,but it was actually to go to the race zone.The place I loved)

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