Season 1 never uploaded part

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Guys I never uploaded this part to season 1 only because of the nature of it I did rewrite it and that's what you read originally I never liked it because it didn't fit but here it is as a single part not for the book

Mentions of sh

Harry's pov-
We discuss everything which was very hard for me, I know they won't judge me or anything but it's scary because I don't know what they're reaction will be. When I was in Manchester I drunk and vaped till I felt sick. I told them that I even told them how sometimes I would go into the bathroom and vape when they weren't with me.

"Look we're not disappointed we just want to make sure your mentally okay if u want we can help you stop" zayn tells me

Don't get me wrong I want to quit it just seems to be the only thing keeping me sane.

"Do I have to quit" I ask

"Harry its entirely up to you if you do continue we will have some rules around that" Louis tells me

"Okay and what would they be" I ask

"Not in the house you can do it in the backyard and if you need more you come and ask rather than buying them yourself" Louis says

"Okay that's pretty reasonable" I say

"Just let us know when you need to we want to know your being safe so one of us will come with you" zayn says

I nod, we continue watching tv my skin starts to itch. I know I haven't had any dairy since the sleepover with Niall and Liam.

"Hey can I go out" I ask

"Yeah where to" zayn says

"I need a vape" I say

"Go get it and we'll go to the garden" he says

I go up to my room and find my coat it's hidden in the pocket. I have no idea how they didn't find it. I grab my coat and head downstairs.

"Lets go then" zayn says nicely

I open the back door and sit on the bench zayn sitting next to me. Ax comes out and runs around the garden.

I take a few hits of my vape whilst scrolling on my phone.

"So why do you vape" zayn asks

"I only did it because I needed some way to get rid of the thoughts" I say

"The thought of what" he asks

"Cutting myself" i say being honest

"Have you since you've been here" he asks

"Once just after we stopped using nappies and pull ups" i tell him thinking back to 9 months ago

"When was the last time" he asks

"About a week ago" i tell him

"You know you can always come to us with anything" he tells me

"I know but the voices were getting too loud" i say

"Come here" he says

I lean into his side I didn't realise at first but I started to cry.

"What's wrong" he asks

"I just don't want to let you or dad down" i tell him

"You would never do that" he tells me

"Dad and me are so proud of you honey, I know it's been hard at times with your dad losing his mum but you know we'll always look after you" he says

Dad lost his mum in December she passed away due to cancer it took her away from him it's been 4 months since.

"I miss nana" I cry

"I know I know I miss her too" he says

"Papa do you think we will meet her again once we die" i ask

"I'm sure we will H I know she's waiting up there for us" he tells me

We continue talking for a while, It's getting darker and cold so we head in. We walk into the living room where dad is sat.

"Aww H what's the matter" he asks

"Nothing it's fine now" i say smiling

"Me and papa will always listen when your ready" he says

"Thanks dad I think imma head to bed I'm quite tired" i say

" good night love you" he says

"Good night love" papa says

"Night papa night dad love you" i say

I head to my room and get undressed unfortunately I still have to wear a pull up as I keep having night accidents. I put one on and put a pair of Long pyjamas over it they're plain black with my initials on them HS.

I get in bed and scroll on my phone max comes to join me.
I smile and let him on the bed.

I think about how lucky I am to have two amazing dads who love and care about me.

I put my phone on charger and head to the toilet I take a wee before heading to bed.

I lie down and pull the covers up to my shoulder. Just as I'm about to close my eyes my phone starts ringing it's uncle Liam. I rub my eyes and pick my phone up

I click answer.

The call
Hey haz it's li

What's up

I was just calling to ask if you wanted to come over with your dads me and Niall have some news

Okay hold on

Alrigh see you soon


Call ended
I get out from bed and head downstairs. I go to the living room.

"Harry what's the matter" dad asks

"Liam and Niall want us all to go over" i say

"Alright come on then" he says

"I left my shoes upstairs" i wine

"I'll carry you"papa says

Papa and dad puts his shoes on and lifts me up carrying me over to Liams and nialls house.

Dad knocks on the door a Liam answers it

"Come in nialls in the living room" he says

Papa puts me down and we all walk into the living room.

"What's so important at 11:30 at night" dad asks

"Well me and Liam have some bad news" Niall says

"What is going on" i ask

"You all might want to sit down for this" he says

We all sit down. I grab dads hand cause I'm nervous.

"So what is it" i ask

"Harry you know about your mum she wasn't supposed to be out for like 2 more years" he says

"Yeah she's still in prison last I hear" I say

"Well about that" he says

"Just fucking get on with it" I shout

"She's" he begins

Sorry your gonna have to wait for the next chapter to see what's going on

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