Please don't leave

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It was around 12 pm and Lover wasn't feeling good. Rep had to go and her love already knew about it . She was getting ready and disappeared somewhere in the house but when she came back to their room, she saw Lover she was really sick.

Rep- Alright I'm ready to go and I promise you I'll fr try to come back as soon as possible oka OMG baby are you okay? You look really sick
Lover-Baby plz don't leave I'm fr for nothing I'm so sick I I need you sm I can't even
Rep- ssshh calm down it's okay love, I'm I'm not going anywhere dw okay? Fuck it all you're the most important to me
Lover-Thank you sm baby( hugs her tight)
Rep- Listen I'm going to make you some soup and you stay here with a blanket I see it's cold to you. I'm gonna bring you sth more to eat, some snack for later and water
Lover- Okay tysm but plz be fast I wanna cuddle to you
Rep- Dw just lay down here,the blanket is here and wait for me

Rep goes to the kitchen to make some soup and food for Lover. After she finished,she also grabbed like a lil box where she put some fav Lover's candy, sweets , chocolate,and a snack andd water. She's now coming to their room with a soup first, then one of Lover's fav food. Basically today she made and put in a box all Lover's fav things to eat

Rep- Loveee here's your soup
Lover- Mmmm tysm reppy
Rep- Eat it now I'll come back with sth more
Lover- Okay
Rep- Here'ssss your lasagna and in this box you have all your fav sweets candy chocolate and a snack. Plus ofc water
Lover- Awwwww you made and gave me all my fav things tysm baby this is so cute
Rep- Ofc, do you want me to feed you too
Lover(laughs a lil) You can
Rep- You're such a cute lil baby
Lover- Nice soup
Rep- Yeeaah,you must eat all of it and then we're switching to lasagna
Lover- Okay
Rep- One more, anddd we're done
Lover- Yeeeey now this delicious lasagnaaa
Rep- Open your mouth
Lover- Mmmmm aaahhh just howww
Rep- Eat it and enjoy

Soon Lover's done with eating and Rep's happy cuz she ate it all and ofc she must have to eat that all cuz she's gonna be better. You have to eat when you're sick right. Now Rep goes to the kitchen with blank plate and puts it in the sink. Then she grabs herself a juice and comes back to her love

Rep- Did you drink water
Lover- Yeah
Rep- You have to especially now when you're sick, you need sm water
Lover- Ik but now come here
Rep- Come
Lover- If I'd get better from the only one thing that'd be cuddling to you
Rep- You're my baby, ofc I wouldn't leave you love, I was already thinking not to go when I saw you like that
Lover- I wouldn't survive without you

Rep kisses her head and cuddles her for a long time. It was already 15:30. Rep saw she's going to fall asleep so soon so she just stayed with her until she really fell asleep. Then when she did,she slowly got out from her and went to the bathroom. After that she came back in their bed. Lover was peacefully sleeping and Rep was on her phone, sipping her juice when she'd want and eating some lasagna what was left from it sth yet lil. At 7 pm Lover woke up.

Lover- Mmmmmhh
Rep- You're awake how are you now
Lover- Kinda good, maybe I just had to fall asleep again plus your food made me even better and your cuddles ofc
Rep- Good baby, I was talking to 1989 I told her about you and she told Mid well you probably have some messages from her she definitely worries about you
Lover- Oh I'll check it later, can you give me that box
Rep- Sure
Lover- Wanna eat sth from these with me
Rep- Mmmm I'll pickkk this
Lover- What did you while I was sleeping
Rep- When you fell asleep I went to bathroom and then came back I was next to you all the time just being on the phone talking with 1989 and sipping my juice, waitin for you to wake up. Oh yeah I also ate some lasagna what I left in the kitchen it was still yet sth so I ate that
Lover- Oh good

They ate some things together from that box, Lover drinking water, Rep her juice. Rep was right, Mid texted Lover sm as she knew she's sick so Lover was answering her how Rep stayed all the time with her, made and gave her all her fav things and food and how's she now feeling really good.

Rep- Baby want me to help you shower
Lover- I don't wanna tell you I can do all alone so yeah
Rep- Even if you said that I'd still help you
Lover(laughs a lil) why did you even ask that then
Rep- Hmmm
Lover- You're so cuteee, come
Rep- Look at this beautiful body
Lover- Come in
Rep- I'm gonna wash you, you just relax okay
Lover- Mmmhmm

Lover at 1 moment just stays on Rep like she enjoys being on her body for some time and Rep just hugs her

Rep- Ohhh babyyy you're my cuddly baby
Lover- Mmmmm I just wanna stay like this at you lil
Rep- It's fine it fits me
Lover- You're so warm
Rep- The water fits you now you're sick

After some time they finished showering and changed into pyjamas. As Lover only wanted to cuddle all the time they were in bed doing just that and talking. Lover buried herself in Rep and she's stroking her hair slowly

Lover- I'm so thankful you baby for staying with me today
Rep- Of course
Lover- I needed you sm today
Rep- Just today
Lover- C'mon
Rep- kidding, ik you need me every day, every sec, all the time and in any possible way
Lover- That's right but yk when you're really sick you just need your baby extremely
Rep- Ik ,good that you didn't have temperature
Lover- Yeah, but you helped me the most
Rep- I won't leave you when you're sick even if the thing is unbelievably important I'm not going
Lover- Ilysm baby
Rep- Ilyt love

They spend the night with cuddles, some more talking,smiling, lil laughing anddd Rep kiss her head before they fall asleep.

NOTE- Ahhhh! We had sth hot these chapters so now I thought like let's do sth like this. You're getting the next one ofc next week probably on a Saturday night or maybe Friday we'll see but yeah. I hope you're enjoying every chapter and you can freely suggest what you wanna see/read BUT no BB okay (baaad blooodd)

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