Part 1

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Main characters:

Name: Evelyn Welsh
Gender: She/Her
Height: 5'4
Appearance: Long black hair, green eyes with a white t-shirt and blue jeans
Bio: Evelyn is a spit fire type of girl but with a sweet heart. She just wants to end the school war and go back to her parents.

Name: Jordan Spear
Gender: He/Him
Skin color: Black
Height: 6'8
Appearance: black hair, Brown eyes, black t shirt, gray pants, golden necklace
Bio: Jordan has a strong gentle soul and loves sports. He's the strongest one in the group and has a loyal heart.

Name: Blake Harpender
Gender: She/Her
Skin color:White
Appearance: Long Brown hair, Brown eyes, Long white sweater with black wide bottom jeans and three ear piercings including a cartilage and a tongue piercing
Bio:Blake is a snappy but kind girl with strong legs and the will to fight. She is protective and fast.

Name: James Carterwalk
Gender: He/Him
Skin color:white
Height: 6'7
Appearance: Blond hair, Hazel eyes, Army green t-shirt, light blue jeans
Bio: James is a charming blondy but has a loyal soul. He is smart and makes sure that they make the right decision.

Evelyn walked to the gym where the school was having an "emergency meeting." Storm Brooke high was having a meeting with there "arch nemesis" Oak Ridge High. They said that Stone Brooke and Oak Ridge were going to work together on a "special" project. Like that was going to happen! The moment a Stone Brooke saw an Oak Ridge they would try everything to tear that kid apart. It was just the way a school vs a school worked. When Evelyn had entered the gym she felt Oak Ridge's dirty looks all over her. She tried her best not to look like a whip but that was hard when all of Oak Ridge high was staring at you. She finally got to at seat and was greeted by her friend Blake. "Gross." She said hatefully staring back at the rival school. "Ha. I'm glad I'm not the only one." She laughed. "Believe me you're not. Most if not all the kids in here hate the other school." Blake told her glaring at the others. Evelyn nodded. Before she could speak another word the principal came out from nowhere. "Settle down!" He yelled. The gym went quiet as the principal spoke. "As you know we..." the principal got cut off by a bunch of students booing him and yelling at him. "Boo!" "Get off the stage old man!" The shouted. Evelyn felt anger grow around her. "Shut up and let him talk!" Kids screamed at their rivals. Kids glared at each other. "Shut it!" He yelled again but no one obeyed. It got so bad that a kid stood up and ran over to Stone Brooke and pushed another teenager. His buddy's didn't like that at all and dog piled the kids punching and kicking him angrily. Oak Ridge kids joined the fight as the principal and teachers tried there hardest to break up the fight but it was no use. The fight got so bad teachers tried to evacuate the students. Kids were now everywhere and punching each other. School vs. school. Evelyn tried to escape the gym but the school was filled with beat up bloody kids. She looked for Blake to see that she was holding a boy down and punching him until his face was covered in blood from a nose bleed.

Blake's knuckles were bruised and bloody by this point. She dropped the kid roughly and ran over to Evelyn. "What is going on?" She panted. "I don't know but I think the teachers have just... left us now!" Blake said looking around for any grown ups.

Moments had passed and the students were already out side of the gym. The students had split up and at this point they were forming teams. "Blake we need to get out of here!" Evelyn told her grabbing her wrist and running. But when they got to the doors they had been blocked and locked. The staff had probably locked and boarded the doors so the kids didn't bring the fight outside. "No!" Blake gasped. "What do we do?" Evelyn asked her eyes wide with terror. "I- I don't know." Blake stammered. Screaming and yelling was everywhere and there wasn't a single grown up in sight. The two girls ran around the recked hallways fight for their life until they came to a stop. Right in front of them was a body. A young boy had been stabbed by scissors in the neck and blood was leaking out of the wound. His face had scars and bruises. "They- someone... killed him." Blake gasped stumbling back. "Oh god." Evelyn whispered. Tears started to swell in Blake's eyes of pain fear and sadness. "We need to be super cautious." Blake said wiping tears away. Evelyn nodded but then gasped. "Blake watch.." Turns out a kid had ran up to Blake with a pair of scissors and stabbed her in the leg. She screamed. "Ow!" She wailed. Before the girl could stab Blake again Evelyn ripped the scissors out of her hand and threw them then punching her right in the face and stomach. "Blake!" Evelyn ran back over. "Oh dear god. Fuck! Your leg is horrible!" She looked down at Blake's wound to see blood welling out of it. Blake cried and wailed in pain. "Evelyn please get help! It hurts so bad!" She cried. Evelyn blocked the wound with her hand to block the blood making Blake hiss. "It's ok. It's ok." She looked around rapidly for help. Blake was getting light headed and weaker. Evenly screamed for help and before she thought all was lost as a fit black teen ran up to Evelyn. "Jordan! Please help me! Blake got stabbed and I need help getting her to the nurses office. "Sure." He nodded and lifted up Blake. Blake at this point was passed out. Would she make it?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29 ⏰

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