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Dunk arrived at the location of the filming

He walked in and saw that Joong was already there talking to Phi Jack

"Hey" Dunk walked up to them

"Dunk" Phi Jack smiled at him "we've been waiting for you"

Joong nodded

"Come on you need to get dressed and put on your makeup" Phi Jack said putting a hand on Dunk's shoulder but took it off when he saw Joong's look

Dunk followed Phi Jack towards the locker rooms

Phi Jack handed him the outfit and he changed into it

It was a white button-down shirt with black pants and an apron with black and white stripes

Dunk was used to such an outfit because of working in a bar and felt comfortable

When he came out he saw Joong dressed normally and staring at him

Dunk approached the makeup artist who began to apply makeup

"Did you read the summary I sent you?"  Phi Jack sat close to him

"So that's what I forgot!" Dunk thought

"No Phi" Dunk looked embarrassed

"It's ok it's just filming today the director will help you understand" Phi Jack said

Dunk nodded and the makeup artist grabbed his face to stop moving

When he finished putting on his makeup, he saw that Joong was already near the photographers

He went and stood next to him

"Well done" one of the people said, according to the folded page he was holding in his hand and the way everyone was looking at him he guessed that he was the director "Dunk stand right where you are but turn to the side and Joong stand in front of him"

Dunk turned and Joong was standing in front of him

"Closer!" the director said

Joong took one big step forward and Dunk looked up into Joong's eyes and saw that Joong was looking back at him

The photographers took some pictures

"Okay now Joong put your hand around Dunk's waist and Dunk put your hands on Joong's chest" the director tell them what to do

"what?"  Dunk took a step back

"What does it mean what?"  The director was not happy that they asked questions and did not do what he said

"We'll be back in a second" Dunk took Joong's hand and dragged him aside

"What happened?"  Joong asked as Dunk stopped in a spot too far away for anyone to hear what they were saying

"What kind of series is this??"  Dunk asked

"BL..." Joong answered

"what?!"  Dunk shouted and everyone turned to look at him

"Everything is fine" Joong turned to them to calm them down and they went back to making eye contact

"You didn't know that??"  Joong asked

"No!"  Dunk said quietly out loud

"You didn't read the whole contract, did you? And you sure didn't read the script" Joong sighed

"Maybe..." Dunk said "but they should have told me that"

"You should have read the contract before you signed a document"

Dunk shrugged

"Well you can't cancel it now you've already been paid for some of the work" Joong said

Dunk looked hesitant he thought of saying he would return the money but until he got that amount...

He took a deep breath

"Ok I'll do it" Dunk decided "but I'm not that good at acting or modeling..."

"Don't worry I'll help you" Joong smiled at him

They returned to the set

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