Chapter 13

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Draco feels Y/Ns and his lips move closer and closer. After a few seconds he feels their lips collide.

He feels her warm and soft lips on his, moving in the same rhythm. It feels like all he's ever wanted, everything just feels perfect.

Her lips on his, his arms around her waist and her arms on his shoulders. Her body so close to his, he could feel heart beating.

After some time, Y/N lets go and simply smiles at Draco. "Thank you Y/N" Draco says, smiling at Y/N feeling like the happiest person on earth.

Y/N doesn't reply, smiles and simply pulls Draco back into a kiss. Only this time, Draco slowly enters Y/Ns mouth with his tongue.

Y/N lets him enter. Their tongues are moving in a similar rhythm just like they were fighting. Everything just feels so natural and fits perfectly.

Their kissing gets more intense and intense. Draco takes a step forward, making Y/N fall onto the bed.

He gets on top of her and starts kissing her on her neck, leaving her with a hickey, without her noticing it. He continues their passionate kiss.

Y/N gasps for air. "Shit Draco! We'll miss breakfast!" She says, stopping their kiss, looking at the clock. "Shiiit" Draco replies, quickly getting up from the bed.

They both straighten their clothes, making sure no one will notice what they had done. Draco looks at the hickey on Y/Ns neck, smiling, knowing people will wonder who it's from.

Draco decides to leave first, so people won't suspect anything about what's going on between him and Y/N.

Y/N wasn't a fan of the idea, still she agrees and waits for a few minutes after Draco left, until she leaves for breakfast.

Draco arrives in the Great Hall, breakfast being nearly over. Luckily he spots Blaise sitting at the Slytherin table, reading a book.

"Good morning Blaise." Draco says, as he sits next to Blaise. "Morning Draco" Blaise replies. "You're looking better than the last few days. Something happened?" Blaise asks.

"Actually yeah, but I'll tell you this evening, when we're smoking weed. The deal is still up right?" Draco says. Blaise nods and continues reading.

Draco grabs one of the few left avocado toasts and starts eating it. The door to the Great Hall opens and he sees Y/N walking inside.

He smiles at her, seeing many people looking at her and her hickey. So does Blaise, looking up from his book.

"Yoo, Y/N got a hickey, no way. Who do you think she got it from?" Blaise asks. "Maybe Potter" Draco jokingly says, laughing. Blaise laughs as well.

"Nah but like for real, who do you think it is?" Blaise asks, still smiling about the joke. "Well, I may actually know." Draco replies, smirking.

"Seriously? Who is it bro? And how do you know already? Don't tell me it was you-" Blaise says, Draco interrupting him.

"I'll tell you everything later." Draco says, smirking at Blaise.

"You dumb motherfucker, you told me not to try to fuck her because she's a Mudblood, you jerk!" Blaise replies a bit angry, but not seriously.

Draco laughs. "I'll explain everything this evening, when we're smoking weed together." He says. Blaise nods and continues reading his book.

Draco looks over to Y/N, seeing her explaining something to someone. She looks over to him and spells "fuck you" with her lips.

Draco winks at her and continues eating his breakfast. He finishes his food and decides to go back to his dorm, wanting Y/N to come as well.

"Bye, Blaise, Im going back to my dorm." He says, as he stands up. "See you at dinner" Blaise replies.

Draco starts walking out of the Great Hall. As he walks by Y/N, he looks at her, signalising her that she should leave as well.

He waits in front of the Great Hall for a few minutes, waiting for Y/N to leave the Great Hall too. He finally sees her leaving the Great Hall.

Y/N walks towards Draco. "What do you want dickhead?" She jokingly says. "You like your new hickey?" He asks, smirking.

"Fuck you." She replies, smiling as well.

"If you want, come to my dorm in five minutes, maybe we can continue doing what we stopped doing before breakfast." Draco suggests, smirking at Y/N and winking at her as he walks off.

Y/N smiles.


Writing this chapter was crazy like I listened to a true crime podcast while writing this, then I started watching Youtube videos, etc.

I literally started writing around 1 pm and now it's 10pm like dude I could not concentrate while writing and always went on doing something different.

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