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a/n: yes bill is princess 😔😔😔😔 jk stan obvi is just dont come for me read it first 😭

"Stan..psssttt.." Stan heard a soft voice outside his window.

He looked out the window to see a shivering Bill Denbrough, standing alone in the dark. He sighed and opened it, greeting Bill with a smile, before asking "what the hell are you doing here?"

"I h-h-had a bad d-dream." Bill scratched the back of his neck. "A-Also I'll take any e-excuse to see y-y-y-you."

"It's 2:00 in the morning, Bill." Stan tried to hide his obvious blush.

"Can I come in?"

Stan sighed and pulled him up through the window, which was on the bottom floor of his house, so it wasn't hard to get through. The two boys stood inches apart, before Bill gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"What did you dream about?" The curly haired boy asked sweetly.

"I-..." Bill went silent, his glance turning down to the floor.

"It's okay." Stan rubbed his arm gently. "We can talk about it later...or never."

He leaned his head back up flashing him a nice 'thank you' smile.

"W-Why were y-you a-awake this l-l-late?" Bill asked. "I saw y-y-you i-in the w-w-window."

"Well that's awfully creepy." Stan chuckled.

"N-Not in a w-w-weird wayyyy, j-j-just....I w-was w-w-w-wondering." The auburn haired boy giggled.

"Couldn't sleep." He shrugged.

"Oh, well I m-m-m-m-m-missed you." Bill smiled.

"I saw you like...a few hours ago." Stan remarked making the other boys eyebrows furrow.

"W-W-Well I m-missed you a-a-anyway." He huffed.

"That's sweet." Stan grinned, sitting on his bed. He pat the spot next to him for Bill to sit. Bill sat right next to him, putting his head on his shoulder. He kissed Stan's cheek softly, making his mind travel to a world of rainbows and sunshine. The two boys laid in each others' warmth for around half an hour, saying nothing except for the occasional 'move your arm,' or 'your leg is crushing me.'

"I'm r-r-ready to talk n-n-now." Bill said after a while. He always found in funny, how with Stan, and Stan only, he could always talk. Even about things he swore he'd never speak about, things he never told anyone, he could tell Stan. He knew he could.

"Okay." Stan gave a comforting smile, holding his two hands in his own.

"It w-w-w-was a-a-about the cl-clown, a-a-a-and um juh-juh-juh..." Bill's eyes became teary.

"It's okay Bill." Stan pulled him in tight for a hug, as he wept into his shoulder. His tears soaked the back of his shirt. He rubbed his back in a circular motion. "I'm right here."

"I'm sc-sc-scared." Bill admitted.

"It's all over you know, we don't have to do it again."


Stan held out his pinkie and interlocked it with Bill's, shaking it up and down. "I promise. It's all over now."

Bill gave him a flashy grin.

"Why're you looking at me like that?" The other boy chuckled. "Something in my teeth again?"

"You're p-p-p-pretty." He moved his auburn hair away from his eyes, which were wet with tears.

"You're not so bad yourself, William." Stan poked him in the side, making him jump in surprise.

"Do not c-c-call me th-that." Bill replied sternly.

"Oh yeah?" Stan teased him as he tickled his side.

"St-Stop...that..." The boy could barely speak through his uncontrollable giggles. He didn't stop, he tickled his side gently until he fell onto the bed, much to the curly headed boys amusement. He threw his head back in laughter at the sight of Bill's giggling. "St-Stanleyyyy!!"

"Fineeee." Stan reluctantly agreed, matching Bill's sing-songy tone. He gave him a peck on the cheek before sitting up. "But you are very very adorable." Stan said the last bit so matter-of-factly Bill almost believed it.

"You're sw-sw-sw-sw-sw-sw-"

"Sweet." Stan finished for the stuttering boy. "Thanks." Bill rested his head back onto Stan's shoulder, throwing his floral comforter over the both of them. Stan put his arm around Bill, placing his hand carefully on his thigh. Bill nuzzled his face gently into his neck.

"Is this goodnight?" Stan asked, staring down at the boy.

"I'm sc-sc-scared of sleeping." Bill confessed. "I d-don't w-want to h-h-h-have a b-b-bad d-dream a-a-again."

"Hey, if you have another one you can wake me up, okay?" The curly headed boys comforting tone made him feel stronger. "I'll be right here."

"O-O-Okay." Bill kissed his cheek, before gently closing his eyes.

Stan's gaze appeared to be glued to the sleeping boys face. Then again, how could he not look. Bill was the most gorgeous person he'd ever seen in his entire life. Even when he slept, he looked pretty. A regular sleeping beauty. Stan thought, with a smile. But this sleeping beauty soon rolled around in his sleep, which he didn't think Aurora could do. I mean, she was sentenced to 100 years of sleep which is basically a romanticized coma.

"Bill, hey." Stan shook him awake softly. "Hey....wake up."

The princess was unresponsive.

"Oh do I have to give you true loves kiss?" Stan rolled his eyes, still trying to shake Bill awake.

"No b-b-but th-that'd still be n-nice." Bill sat up moments later, rubbing his puffy eyes.

"Are you okay?" The curly haired boy asked, taking a more serious tone.

"I h-had another d-dream."

"Yeah I figured..." Stan grabbed his hand, intertwining their finger together. "It's over now, Bill. It's dead...we killed it, ok?"

"Okay...thanks Stanley."

"Your welcome William."

"Ew." Bill fake gagged, obviously trying not to burst out in a fit of giggles.

"Now get some rest sleepyhead." Stan ruffled his hair, pushing him over into a position more fit for sleeping.

"Goodnight." Bill giggled.

"Goodnight." He pressed a sweet kiss on the auburn haired boys forehead/

a/n: isnt it just so pretty to think, all along there was some...invisible string, tying you to me?

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