Not a Kid Person

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Bellatrix Black looked at the baby in the cradle. She was tiny, you could probably shatter her if she fell. Good, she thought. This will be easy. Raising her wand, she spoke the words “Avada Kedavra!” A shot of green light hit the infant, another easy kill. Or at least that's what she wanted to happen.

In actuality, she said the words, only for a few blue sparks to come out the end. She thought about trying a few more times, but decided she had to do it the old fashioned way. Picking up the kid, she dropped her, head first onto the ground. Picking her up, the baby was totally fine! Not a scratch. After testing some more, she realized that the baby was somehow protected by a spell of some kind, that she couldn't undo.

Looking at the baby, stil curled asleep in a ball, she realized that she was going to have to keep the kid.

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