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Jace gets in the bed with you and you 'fall' into his arms. You then attempt to go to sleep while being snuggled up to Jace. You have a though in the back of your head that this might not be the best idea. Although you do feel really safe in the arms of one of your closest best friends. It doesn't take long for you to fall asleep.


Havan's pov:

I haven't talked to y/n since she went to the party. I hope shes okay. She would normally text me and tell me goodnight. Wait did I do something wrong. Shit. What if I did? I don't know what I did though. Maybe I should just call her and make sure everything's okay. 

Jace's Pov:

I'm laying in y/n's bed while her head is on my chest. She looks very peaceful and pretty. I should probably try to get some sleep now. This bed is comfortable so shouldn't be to hard. Just as I was about to fall asleep the phone starts ringing. Havan's face timing y/n. Should I answer? 

It might look weird that I just so happen to be laying in bed with y/n, with her in my arms. I mean come on we're close friends plus we are both single so it's fine. You know what I'll just answer it. "Hey," I (Jace) say, answering the phone. "oh hey Jace," Havan replys, visibly confused and a little concerned.

"where are you? Where's y/n," Havan asks. "ugh well I'm with y/n right now," I (Jace) state, positioning the phone so Havan can now see that y/n is asleep on my chest. "oh I see. What happened," Havan asks. "well we were at the party and y/n had a run in with one of our mutual friends, a guy named Beck. She ended up getting really drunk with him and then he kissed her without her consent and she slapped him and then I punched him and shit," I (Jace) explains.

"Then I took her home and she asked me to stay so I stayed," I add. "oh" Havan says, surprised and a little angry. "so is there anything like going on between you too," Havan asks. "no, why," I ask. "well I just would like to know if my friends are dating or not," Havan states. 

"so is there anything there," Havan asks again. "No, I mean we're just friends. I know it may seem a little weird that we are sleeping in the same bed but I explained what happened so. Also I denied it several times at first but she kept begging so I eventually caved," I (Jace) reply. 

"oh she did," Havan says, kinda a question, kinda a statement.  "yeah," I reply. "okay so there's apparently nothing going on but my next question is do you want something to be going on between the two of you," Havan asks.

"well that I can't really answer cause I do see her as a best friend, but sometimes I just get these random feelings you know. I would most definitely never do anything unless she would happen to do it first of course but that's it," I reply. 

"yeah I get it," Havan says. "so goodnight I guess," Havan says. "yeah goodnight," I reply. "tell y/n to call me sometime tomorrow," Havan states. "okay I will," I reply before hanging up the phone. 

Havan's Pov:

I can't believe it! MY girlfriend is sleeping with Jace, even if its not in a sexual way it still pisses me off. Like what the fuck. How could she do this to me. And she kissed another guy at that fucked up party, I know it was forced and that makes it even more fucked but still. I should have went to that party when she first asked me to.

Why didn't she call me? I would've been there in a heartbeat. Not only that but Jace just told me he has feeling for y/n MY girlfriend, mine, and he's currently in bed with her. What do I do. I can't go to sleep after this.

I have to call her tomorrow and see what happened. I wonder if she'll even be honest to me or not. I mean Jace doesn't know we're dating so of course he tells me the truth plus its Jace so. Would y/n tell the truth though, if she knows it could put our relationship to the test and cause a fight?

Do I want her to be honest? Ugh I don't even know anymore, I can't do this tonight. 

Thanks for reading! There should be more soon I don't know. Hope you enjoyed this tho and thanks to anyone who votes and comments really means a lot and shows you like my story and that causes me to write more lol. I love to know your opinion and suggestions. Also what do you think about this part being Havan and/or Jace's pov? DO you enjoy that or just prefer the pov of y/n? Hope you have a nice day!

Havan Flores ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now