六 - Adrian

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Adrian pov

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Adrian pov

Everyday i watched her come to class early and open her books. i don't know when it started but i began to notice the little things about her. like how she would scrunch her nose when she was focused, or tilt her head when she was trying to solve a math problem, and how she would bring homemade lunches to school everyday. usually a sandwich or maybe an egg omelet. i didn't think of it as a big deal until my friends started noticing this behavior and asked me if i was interested in her. somehow everything would remind me of her. whether it was the song she hummed everyday or the perfume she used. There wasn't a moment when she wasn't on my mind.

I watched as she walked down the aisle, sitting down next to Ren Yang.

Who knew, this poor girl was friendly with a monarch like Ren. everyday she gets more entertaining.

interesting, maybe this trip wont be as boring as i thought.

* * *

time passes quickly, I'm tired but unable to fall asleep. i guess I'm not used to filthy bus seats. although this is a private school, I guess they couldn't care less about the cleanliness. i looked back at her, she was sleeping peacefully. Rens head laid on her shoulder, and her head laid onto his.

why do i care?

i saw a girl approach them, take a photo, and hop back to her seat. of course i knew what she was doing, but did i care?

apparently i did because the next minute i was standing in front of the girl, demanding her to delete the pictures.

"gosh whats your problem, you don't even know her."

"do i need to repeat myself?"

she lowered in her seat as i leaned in towards her, eyes burning holes into her face.

"no." she hesitated.


"It's Felix, by the way." he said, looking down at her.

"Yeah I know, we were in the same class." she muttered "Oh really? How come I don't remember you. What's your name?" He asked, leaning in to her.

that fucker.

She stared blankly into his eyes.

"Oh, I'm Me-"

"No, not you, her"

"I'm Jia blake... And this is Mei Li." she ended her sentence while gesturing towards the girl beside her.

jia smiled, then looked down, staring down at her feet.

Jia blake... what a meaningless name. it suits her. i thought.

* * *

i went to my assigned cabin. i shared it with a bunch of nasty pricks who don't know how to clean up after themselves. their shit was all over the floor. they called it, "-unpacking". i went down to the canteen to see if they've got anything worth consuming,- they didn't - but there was something much more interesting. the girl who took pictures of Jian was now sitting next to her, like her best friend or something. that freak Felix was there too. i just wanted to punch his fucking nose off. the way he was leaning in towards jia was only making me angrier.

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