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A year passed, after they graduated from Hogwarts, Harry and Draco were finally getting married after Narcissa and Avery helped them with the preparations. As Draco stood in front of the altar waiting for Harry, he can't help but fidget with his fingers so Avery approached him.

"You good?" she asked.

"Nervous," Draco answered shortly.

Avery smiled and made him take deep breaths to calm his nerves especially when they heard that Harry's ready. Avery went back to her place after she kissed Draco's cheek and watched Harry finally walked down the aisle towards Draco. Draco on the other hand can't help smiling while watching Harry and a tear fell from his eyes so he immediately wiped it.

Once Harry reached him, they smiled at each other and finally face the priest to start the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today to witness these two young people wed, does anyone object or forever hold your peace?" the priest started but no one talked so he looked at the couple.

"Do you, Draco Lucius Malfoy, take Harry James Potter as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?"

"I do," Draco responded with a smile.

"Do you, Harry James Potter, take Draco Lucius Malfoy, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hols, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?"

"I do," Harry said with a smile.

"You may say your vows."

Draco took a deep breath then finally started to say his vows.

"Harry, what I did during our stay at Hogwarts was for you to notice me. I really wanted to be friends with you since then until we got to know each other. You helped me choose the right path, you helped stand up on my own. You didn't let our differences get on the way and I was glad you accepted me when I confessed to you. I wasso nervous back then that you will not accept me but I was glad you did. Thank you for being making me feel love, for letting me protect you from any harm and for accepting me for who I am. I love you, Harry, always and forever."

Harry wiped the tears that escaped his eyes then looked into Draco's eyes to say his vows.

"Draco, I thought those bullying was because you hate me. But as I watch you and observe, I figured out that you wanted my attention. I was hesitant at first but as years passed, I finally got to be your friend, even more than friends. I grew without parents love but you made me feel things that was unfamiliar with me. You made me love you without me knowing and I was glad I did. Thank you for being there for me, for making me feel love too, for showing me that I deserve the best. I love you, Draco, always and forever."

Their friends and family who heard their vows can't help but smile and tear up as they were witnesses of their love story. Their friends were just glad that they found each other and managed to stay strong for each other. They watch how Harry and Draco exchamge rings with smile on their faces until the priest talked again.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and husband, you may now kiss him."

Draco then pulled Harry close to him and kissed him gently and sweetly in front of everyone. Everyone clapped and cheered until Harry broke the kiss and they smiled at everyone.



During the reception, Draco and Harry were dancing in the middle until Avery approached them.

"Harry, is it alright if I dance with my twin?" she asked.

"Of course, Avery," Harry responded with a smile.

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