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Jimin walks into work, feeling numb as his body moves on autopilot, his limbs doing all the work while his mind races, trying to make sense of everything happening.

"You need to turn your ass around and go home right now," Yoongi says, walking up to Jimin. "You look horrifying."

"Ass," Jimin manages to mumble.

Yoongi reaches out and places his hands on Jimin's shoulders. "I'm not trying to be an ass. I'm serious, Jimin. Your eyes are red and puffy, your skin is pale as fuck and I can feel you trembling. You need to do something."

Jimin slowly nods, the movements of his body jerky and almost robotic. "I need to do something."

"I'll cover your shift," Yoongi says. "It's been slow today so I've just been wandering around pretending to be busy. I don't mind."

Jimin looks up at his friend, wondering if he heard any strange noises last night. "Thanks."

"Go home," he says, pulling Jimin into a quick hug before gently shoving him back towards the door. "Maybe go see a doctor if the no sleeping thing keeps up. I bet that's why you've been hearing things and forgetting to do stuff. You're so sleep deprived that your mind has been playing tricks on you."

Jimin is too exhausted to argue. Yoongi doesn't believe what's happening to Jimin is real, and Jimin has no solid proof of it actually happening.

Jimin just nods.

"I'll call you later when I get home," Yoongi says. "Now go home and take a nap."

Jimin nods again, moving again to leave the store, his eyes burning from the time spent crying the night before and the lack of sleep he's gotten the past week or so.

He doesn't see any other explanation; the necklace is somehow connected to what's been happening. Whether it's cursed or somehow the owner of the necklace found him and has magically been able to sneak into his apartment to freak him out, he's not sure.

It all leads back to the necklace, and he knows if he doesn't do something about it, he's going to be driven to the point of insanity.

2:16 A.M. | BTS ✓Where stories live. Discover now