Meeting in memory..

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I often wonder, in this world of social networks, how many people are hiding behind virtual walls? You and I, we are no exception. We choose to hide behind nicknames, behind faceless text messages. But for me, he has become a real part of life, an indispensable friend every day. In the mornings, when the morning sunlight filters through the door, I wake up with a small happiness. is a new day message from you. And every night, before falling asleep, I look forward to those late-night text messages where we share about the day that has passed.

He is always the one who listens, shares, and accompanies me through every step of life. Even though it's just words, we connected with each other with all our hearts and souls. I felt his warmth, even through a cold screen. But I also know that this relationship has its limits. We have never met, never held hands, never walked together under the moonlight. All we have are text messages, conversations without images or sounds.

And then, I started to feel uncertain. Is my feelings for you really love? Or just a warm feeling I found in my loneliness? I do not know. I just know that every time I think about you, my heart beats faster, and every time I don't see a message from you, I feel empty. I tried to learn about him, tried to break down virtual barriers to be able to get closer to him. But each time, he backed away further. He doesn't want to reveal himself, doesn't want to share about his real life. He wants to keep this relationship in ambiguity, in unclear messages.

I started to feel doubtful. Does he really exist? Or is it just an image that I drew in my imagination? Am I in love with an invisible figure, a person who is not real? But even though I had doubts, I still couldn't stop thinking about him. He has become a part of me, an indelible memory. And I know, I will keep waiting, keep hoping, that one day, he will appear. You will step out of the text messages and become part of my real world.

In the following days, I spent more time thinking about him. I wonder if I'm going too far in this relationship. You are still a mystery, a puzzle that I cannot solve. But the more I tried, the more I realized that, perhaps, that was what attracted me. Every time we talk, I feel like a new door is being opened into his world. He told me about his views, beliefs, and experiences he had. I listen and I learn. He is like a teacher, teaching me how to look at life from many different perspectives. But the more I learned about him, the more worried I felt. I fear that I will never have the chance to meet him in real life. I feared that the expectations and image I had built of him would crumble when faced with the truth.

I started writing a diary, recording all my feelings and thoughts about him. I write about dreams where we can meet, hold hands, and walk together under the moonlight. I write about nostalgia, about loneliness without him by my side, about joy every time I receive a text message from him.

And then, one day, I decided to tell him about my feelings. I want you to know that, even though we have never met, I love you, from the text messages, from the late night conversations, from the sharing and understanding. I wrote a letter, full of words of love and anticipation. I write about hope, about the dream of meeting you, knowing who you are in the real world. I write about my courage, about my decision to no longer hide this feeling.

But when I was about to send the letter, I hesitated. I was afraid that he would refuse, afraid that he would disappear from my life forever. I was afraid that I would lose my best friend, the person I loved with all my heart. And in a moment of weakness, I decided to keep the letter. I didn't send it. I choose to continue to keep my feelings secret, choose to live with dreams and hopes. But I know I can't hide forever. One day, I will have to face the truth, will have to say the things that I have kept hidden in my heart. And I hope that, then, you will understand and accept my feelings.

Day after day, I continued to write in my diary, recording every moment I thought about him. Each page is like a confession, a narrative of my heart. I write not only to preserve memories, but also to relieve feelings that I cannot share with anyone. I started looking for him in every corner of the virtual world. I scrolled through thousands of websites, hundreds of forums, hoping to find traces of him. I want to know who you are, want to know where you live, want to know what you do. But all efforts were in vain. He is still an unsolved mystery.

And then, on a rainy night, when the sound of rain falling outside the window created sad music, I received a text message from him. He said he felt tired, that he wanted to find a peaceful place to rest. I feel worried, I'm afraid that he will disappear from my life, the same way he appeared - suddenly and without explanation. I wrote a reply, trying to comfort him, trying to let him know that I was always here, always willing to listen and share. I want you to know that, even though we have never met, I consider you a close friend, an indispensable part of my life. But he didn't answer. Day after day, no message from him. I began to feel confused, feeling like I had lost a part of myself. I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say. All I can do is just wait.

And I wait, in silence and nostalgia. I waited for a message, a sign, an explanation. I waited for him to come back, waiting for a non-tragic ending to our story.

But life is not always like fairy tales. There isn't always a happy ending, there isn't always a hero appearing to save everything. Sometimes, life is just a series of long days of waiting, unfulfilled dreams, and memories that we must learn to let go. I don't know if you will ever read these lines. But if one day, you find my diary, I hope you will understand. Understand that I fell in love with you, from the text messages, from the late night conversations, from the sharing and understanding. And I hope that, even though time passes, even though we may never meet, your memory will forever be a precious part of my heart.

The days without a text message from him became long and heavy. I feel like I'm losing the best part of life. But deep down, I still hold hope. Hoping that he would come back, that everything would go back to the way it was, that we would continue our unfinished story. I decided to write one last letter to him, not to send it, but to relieve my feelings. I write about memories, about dreams, and about the deep feelings I have for him. I write with the hope that, whether you can read it or not, these words will find you, like a breeze, like music, like a part of my soul.

And when I finished the letter, I felt relieved. I know I did everything I could. I loved with all my heart, waited and hoped. Now, I will let everything follow the flow of life, letting my heart gradually heal from the wounds. I put the letter in a book I love, a book about adventures and discoveries. I want my letter to join the stories of courage and faith. And I know that one day, when I open this book again, I will remember him, and the beautiful days we had.

"In every adventure, there is a hidden secret, and in every secret, there is a truth waiting to be discovered."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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