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Ava's pov

I am going to principal office with my father right now for my admission 😒

Because apparently my parents are fed up with me and think I am a bad influence for my younger brother

But I am happy I am Going to hostel cuz I really didn’t like that house much gosh how much time will it take to reach principal office 😒


Right now I am sitting in  principal office and my father is talking to him but God am I getting mad or what cuz the principal is dam hot and sexy.

I was staring at the principal then he noticed and said "staring is rude" he said and me being me didn’t care and said "that's why I am here cuz I am too rude Right dad".

The principal looked kinda angry at my reply but didn’t show and forced a smile and said "yes that's why you're here so you can get some manners".

How can he say that does he this am mannerless huh[scoff] I thought.

Then suddenly my father said "I am sry from her Mr.Xaiver" " And Ava you have to give a test for the admission" my father said to me

what the hell!! Test.

Gosh why do I have give test I am already a average student why God. [scoff]

"why do have to give a test you have already submitted the money then why test" I said Rolling my eyes.

Then Mr xaiver said dam dude his voice is like honey or whatever it is it’s like I can melt just from is voice.

"Before admission everyone have to give a test the test will decide which section you deserve" he said.

Whatever I don't care about section even if I get d section idc so i said " whatever when I have to give test and where" then Mr.Xaiver said "you have to give your test today and come with me I will show you where you have to give the test"

Wait WTF!! Today I didn't even study and I don’t even know what test it is that's mean I am going to fail this test also and then my I have to face my father disappointed face I don't like it when he get disappointed but I can't help my self and do whatever I want .

I was thinking this all the I heard Mr.Xaiver said "Let's go follow me"
I nodded and looked at my father he gave me assuring look.


I was following Mr.Xaiver then we reached a room it's a classroom obviously.

There was one more teacher gosh is everyone here is hot and sexy I was not over Mr.Xaiver then this man here I have gone mad by reading those exotics books.

Mr.Xaiver said " sit Ava and listen carefully" he said sternly and dude now this voice send shivers down my spine I sit one of the chair near by and Mr.Xaiver and the other handsome teacher is infront of me looking at me intensely like if I said any thing wrong they will kill me or eat me.

Then Mr.Xaiver said " So Ava do you know about BDSM answer truthfully"
Wait what he said wtf what is this school why is he asking this question I mean I know about Bdsm but should I tell them.

I mean they can’t do anything about it and i don't care so I said " yes I know about bdsm Mr.Xaiver but why did you asked?"

Hearing me he chucked and said " Ava this school has two sides one for Normal students and one for those who want to try this lifestyle"

[ a/n-:don't ask me guys why this school is like this it’s just my imagination hehe OK let's continue]

"Mhm ok so if want to try this lifestyle then can and was this the test you were talking about ?" I said.

"Yes if you want you can try and no you have to now give the bdsm test so we can choose a Dom for you"  Mr.Xaiver said here him I said "Wait why you guy's will choose my Dom why can't I ?" I said confused.

"Cuz when you will give the test we will find out what are you like a sub,little,pet or a brat then we will choose a Dom for you according to this" ths other teacher said .

"OK what if I don't like him " I said "then we will choose another one for you but you should have a valid reason of why you don't like your Dom or we can’t change him" again the other teacher said.

"OK so i give me the test so I can leave it’s getting kinda boring here and also don't you guyz have ac or something in this school it’s so hot here" I said sassly.

"You can’t talk like this to us and anyone there in this school DO.YOU.GET.IT?" Mr.Xaiver said pressing each word and saying sternly.
Dude I'm feeling wet already.

"OK chill Mr.Xaiver I was just joking soo... what about the test will you guyz will give me the form or not?" I said.

"Alex give the form to her and Ava fill the form truthfully ok" Mr.Xaiver said to other teacher so his name is Alex cool .

"OK Mr.Xaiver" then Mr.alex give me the form to fill and I started filling it.


I filled the form and gave it to Mr.Xaiver it was all about what I like or not and about my desires and kinks and thanks to those exotics books I know every kink already.

"So when will I get the result? and from when I can start my classes?"  I asked Mr.Xaiver.

"From tomorrow you can join you classes and in the morning come in my office to know about you result ok" Mr.Xaiver said.



Did you guyz liked this chapter?

I wanted to know what to you want Ava to be brat or a little brat make sure to tell me in the comments.


Next uploaded on Sunday


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