orgasm donor ⚠️

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"Need a donor or are you the donor?" Jaemin asked, looking at the grey printed hoodie that hang incredibly loose against her torso as he looked down at her

"I can be whatever you want me to be" she smirked, propping herself up as he tried to remain calm amidst the constant teasing and suggestive remarks from her all night

"Arms up" Jaemin said with a smile as she sat upright against his bed. She followed his orders immediately, brain fuzzy from the alcohol and too excited—and horny—to even care about how twisted this really was.

He pressed a kiss onto her lips, pulling his hoodie off over her head before tossing it onto the floor. His eyes raked over her half exposed torso, a groan leaving his lips in just how pretty she really was, down to her core.

"So beautiful" Jaemin mumbled instantly into the crook of her neck, knowing if he was to stare down any longer at her chest that was confined to his favourite coloured lace—pink—he was going to go crazy. The colour was enough for Jaemin to know he was in the presence of someone who preferred to be submissive, soft and cared for. Just like a princess.

"I'm going to treat you so well princess" Jaemin said through his kisses against her chest as his hand roamed around her body lightly creating goosebumps everywhere.

The nickname would have made her laugh if he was to say it in any other non sexual setting— which he probably would. Yet she could tell from his demeanour that he really meant that. She could tell from the way he was taking his time studying every crevice and inch of her body that he was a giver. A rare thing to see in a man if she was being honest.

"Maybe you might surprise me and make me cum for once" she said without another thought, causing him to stop all his actions and look up at her in case he had heard wrong

"What?" He asked, a soft voice emitting from his lips to show care during such a vulnerable moment between two individuals that really only met more than two weeks ago

"You've never had an orgasm before? Like ever?" He asked, seeing if he had heard her clearly from her previous statement. She looked into his eyes as she propped her body up by her elbows

"Well...not from a guy" she answered truthfully and his jaw dropped in an instant. He knew his male counterparts had a bad rep when it came to pleasing women but it certainly can't be this bad...could it?

"What?!" he exclaimed, brows furrowed in clear disbelief and she chuckled at his reaction

"Well you're a doctor, you know it's really rare for women to even orgasm from penetrative sex. And on top of that most men don't even know where the clit is" she stated as if she had done years of research on this pretty popular phenomenon

"Well luckily, I'm not most men" Jaemin said, scoffing slightly at how guys could be so clueless when it came to pleasing a woman they were in bed with. His thoughts clouded his mind as he found his fingers moving on autopilot to remove her panties, slowly tracing them down her legs as she looked up at him, trying to crack his mind.

"So no guy you've ever been with has made you cum?" He clarified once more and she chuckled

"No." She stated. She wasn't exactly embarrassed to state it either, she knew biologically there was nothing wrong with her at all, it all came down to a skill that many men lacked.

"You really do need an orgasm donor" he said, cracking a lopsided smile and making her laugh as she remembered the first time they had properly met while he was wearing that ridiculous hoodie.

"Yes...please give me an orgasm or else I might just die" she chuckled, laying her back down against the bed once more, eyes never leaving the smile on his face that only seemed to grow bigger.

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