In the mystical depths of the Belgian Ardennes, where legends blend with reality, lies the ancient city of Liège. Known for its cobbled streets and winding rivers, it harbors an ancient secret: magic permeates every stone, every breath of wind. But beyond the picturesque facades lies an invisible world, where witches dance under the moonlight.
At the heart of this medieval city stands the Witch's Tower, a dark and imposing edifice that dominates the landscape. For centuries, it has housed the deepest mysteries of Belgian witchcraft, guarded by a lineage of powerful and respected witches.
However, the centuries-old calm is about to be shattered. An evil force, long imprisoned in the depths of the earth, begins to awaken. Sinister shadows creep through the narrow streets of the city, while the whispers of the ancients are carried on the night winds.
Amidst this nascent chaos is Émilie, an ordinary Liège woman, unaware of her mystical heritage. But as strange events begin to unfold around her and ancient forces threaten to destroy everything she loves, Émilie is forced to delve into the forbidden world of witchcraft.
Guided by an enigmatic witch and accompanied by unlikely companions, Émilie must master her burgeoning powers, uncover the hidden truth behind the legends of her city, and confront the ancient evil rising to devour the world.
In an epic adventure where past and present collide, where magic and reality intertwine, Émilie will have to fight to save not only Liège, but also her own destiny. For in the darkness that threatens to engulf everything, she will discover that the greatest power lies within herself.
The Witches Of Liège
FantasyDive into a world where Belgium's ancient mysteries blend with enchanting magic in the sensational webtoon, "The Witches of Liège". Explore the cobbled streets of Liège, steeped in age-old legends and captivating folklore, as an ordinary young woman...