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Hakim had entered, too, again spying, probably rubbing her hands together underneath her baggy gown like a fly on Spice, veeeery interested in your reaction.

Which was both understandable but awkward. Yeah, a complete beginner, bringing shame to your family crest.

"See something you're curious about, little Atreides?" Feyd said with a almost boyish laugh, tickled and pumped up by your immediate relegation to the mute leagues.

Not as if you was looking at his face, thank the MAKER for veils otherwise you'd be CAUGHT OUT.

He stood in the stuffily warm room, unsurprisingly black marble and unnecessarily expansive, swords on the walls as if it was an acceptable mode of decoration, to think only ten minutes ago you'd been relaxing on the bathroom floor, GOSSPIPING, bringing shade to an entire planet with Ezza who could be kinda a bitch to others.

Feyd wore nothing but some...underwear? You avoided the urge to tilt your head and squint, NOT AS IF ANYTHING ON HIM REQUIRED SQUINTING, remembering to appear unperturbed, if Hakim was a fly before now she was sentient mist with a quill and recorder, was that...a medieval leather loin cloth?

It WAS, wrapped around a firm backside, front cover swaying with his deepening stance, SHOWING OFF, ENJOYING making his wife to be stagger.

"If you insist on summoning me, Na—Baron," other slave women stood around, holding small gold pots topped with a shimmery liquid, "I would appreciate it if you wore suitable clothes, considering we're not yet paired, AND did so at an appropriate time."

The tall, pale creature that still had you questioning his human authenticity laughed, stretching out, arching his back with a smutty GROAN while perfectly defined stomach muscles clenched and relaxed, entire body caught on a shiver, NOT BELIEVING your disappointment. "Are all Atreides as shy as you? Rendered stupid over a little skin?"

Hakim agreed.

You stood your ground when he came strutting closer, "and are all Harkonnens vain, prideful and entirely inappropriate? Put on adequate dress, you don't stun me."

His smirk ate up most his face, deep, bright eyes looking you up and down, "contrary to your opinion," Rautha curled his fingers to a shivering maid, "I believe I do, first time seeing a man?"

"Man?" You countered, the maid bowed beside you both, offering up the bowl for you to take, which you did, the liquid inside scented richly of rainy earth, "I'll let you know, Na—Baron soon as I find one."

He hummed inches from you, squaring up, abdominals twitching as he licked his lips, "considering the specimens on your home planet I believe you wouldn't know a man if they struck you in the face."

TRY IT, you thought, giving him a growl right back, stepping into HIS PERSONAL SPACE, "on my home planet you'd dissolve in the sun—."

"Enough, your voice is irritating." YOUR VOICE? had he ever heard himself? RUDELY, as if nothing you said mattered, he turned his heavily muscled back with a dismissive wave of a hand, sitting on some purple stool, head over his shoulder, pouty lips in full FUCK YOU effect, he explained, "as is customary here, a bride to be covers her groom in what you see in the bowl."

Eughh, you winced at it, ALL OF HIM?

"Head to toe," Feyd continued, "with your bare hands," turning away with a chuckle, spreading his long thighs a little wider before holding out his arms, "so hurry, little Atreides, you try my patience."

It WAS customary, another slap of culture shock, HAKIM had ordered it, stating how any insolence or disobedience to their sacred ritual would have your arrangement annulled. It would be a GREAT INSULT, like a husband refusing to take his wife to bed after the wedding.

In the misty light, hands drenched in viscous fluid that oddly seemed to sink into skin, you stood behind him, dripping hand held up to his prominent bicep, there was no reason you chose to start there, except for how it seemed so...strong.

Feyd closed his eyes, nostrils flared, facing the weighty mirror, full lips closed for once. He actually seemed to take it seriously, a gravity to the moment, and you didn't want to insult him so yet.

This was YOUR partners to be body, the only one you would have for the rest of your life, until death parted you, a body you'd touch, sleep against, procreate with, and he had saved you from those MAGGOTS, asked in a gentle voice if they'd violated you.

You caught the way he peeped slyly before acting as if he hadn't at all, blue eye cracked before shutting.

The first palm slick went to easily, his pale skin alight with tiny pearls of pinkish and purple that dimmed before being absorbed, the muscle of his fists thick bicep contracting under your touch.

Ten minutes later, you'd both melted easily into it, in some odd way it was soothing, every now and then he leaned back, testing how much weight you could take, readjusting in his seat, PEERING when he didn't think you could see.

Hakim watched, so did the creepy Mentat De Vries, an entire audience watching, SOME GIANT SPIDER PASSING THROUGH that had made you want to pass away.

"Will I be your first lover?" He suddenly asked, in a way so sincere it made a fat dollop plot on the floor, your hand stopping on his lower back. And he twisted in his seat, facing you, looking up with a curious face and those stupid full lips.

GREAT, now it was time to start on his chest, FUCK IT, you could do it, this was EASY. "Yes," and he was, the Lady and Duke had guarded you closely, "there's been no other."

The statement was punctuated with a ginger touch to his pectoral, his steady heartbeat under your palm, ghost white flesh springing with chicken skin while he nodded, "nothing?" He asked again. "Not even a kiss Atreides?"

"Does that disappoint you, Harkonnen?" On to the other slab of hard muscle, not about to watch his bare nipples get harder, straight out biting your lip.

"It means," he stood to give you better access, cheekily attempting to peer under your veil, "that you'll need to be broken in slowly."

BROKEN IN? "Am I a mare?" You bit, pushing fingers into that dumb, stiff stomach, "if you wished for some fire breathing whore I'll gladly return to Caladan." You slammed the bowl down, DONE, about to plough through Hakim really into the festivities and hunt down the family atomics. "But first to my quarters, all you can do is insult me."

"Ah," there was a strength in his grip you'd not felt either, BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD DARE touch you like this, wheeling you back, your hand balancing on his chest with a unladylike gasp, "never turn your back on me," he seethed, releasing the grab a little, "as my wife you will show me respect, I don't take kindly to disobedience. You will play your role in this."

Blood & Marriage🩸Feyd Rautha x f! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now