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kokichi's pov

now that I think about it, there has been no killings yet . which is obviously good like wtf 😒

wild 😜🥰🥰🥰

I bust into the dining hall. "Nishishi!!! GOOD MORNINGGGGGGG"

"good morning ouma. can you be a little less loud please?" "Whyyyyyy" "no one wants to hear you talk" "Hate to bring you down himiko, but it's kinda refreshing to get a good morning 💪"

"kaito being on kokichi's side is something I thought that I'd NEVER see"

"good morning 🌞 🌞 🌞 guys" shuichi walks into the room, with a really really extremely tired face on 

"good morning shumai🥰🥰🥰!" I spring up and give shuichi a big hug

"oh! uhm..." "ugh you're no fun 😭" "s-sorry kokichi, I'm just not in the mood right now, maybe later I will give you a hug?" "Okayyyyyyyuh!!????!!!"!!??!!!!


"GOOD MORNING STUDENTS!" monokuma screams into the microphone

"Uhhh yeah I have a motive for y'all since you are like 'no killing pls baby girls'"

"We don't say that last part?" "oh shut up ya astronaut"

"Hey I do-"

"anyways, come to the gym pronto!!!"


as we walk to the gym, i notice kaede staring at me a little too much

"uh so urhm kaede, whatcha doing?"

"Oh! sorry I was zoned out thinking about your hair. I didn't mean to stare THAT long!!!"

"it's okay kaede! it was just idkkkk odd?!!!!!!!!"

kaede smiles at me and I smile back (genuinely)

we arrive in the gym

"hey give it back I need that!"

"nuh uh it was my turn"

"give it back or else"


"nyeh... stop yelling"

"atua agrees!"

"yeah knock it off"

"Okay, know it alls!?!!!"

know it alls? we literally know nothing idk what youre talking about 

"Soooo. This motive requires me to spin a wheel, and whoever it lands on, gets turned back into their previous self!!!"

"wdym by that?!!!!"

"oh I mean that I will turn once of you into yourself before the game!!!???!!!!?!!!!!!!"


"alright, spinning time!!!"


" shuichi saihara! please make your what up to the stage!"

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