Chapter 1

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Charlottes POV:

Mia and I have been together for about a week. It's been like heaven. I stared at her as she walked into the room I was in, in the nursery and she smirked whispering something in my ear. I didn't catch it but I knew she had the intention to make me blush. "You coming to the bar tonight?" A smile plays across her lips. I shake my head. "Can't Mia going out with sorscha" a jealous look flashes beneath her eyes but she quickly hides it. "Fine" she rolls her eyes continuing to change a babies nappy.

Later that night I head out of the nursery with sorcha. "Where do you live again Charlie?" She asks in her strong Irish accent but instead of telling her the address I simply give her directions and we finally arrive. "Be back in a sec" I smile. She nods as I hop out driving off the minute I'm out. I hurry inside putting on a black dress that I know looks good on me because Mia always tells me so and hurriedly doing my makeup arriving outside just as sorscha pulls up. "Hi Winter Marjorie Reece and uh" I'm shocked to see a blond girl in the car who I don't know. "This is clodagh my wife I brought her to the nursery the other day but everyone was a bit too preoccupied to meet her" I shot sorscha an apologetic look but she didn't seem to mind.

Mia's POV:

"Hey you" a random girl in the bar I was sitting at walked up to me. "May I buy you a drink" she leaned her elbow on the table. I stared at her realising she was flirting. I look around sighing before nodding. Might as well have some fun. "Of course you can gorgeous" I tease her. I can see the blush forming on her cheek as she walks away coming back 10 minutes later with two glasses. I don't even ask what it is I simply sip on it.

Charlottes POV:

We arrive at the bar walking in. I see the familiar flash of red hair. Mia. A smile plays at my face as I'm about to walk over. "Charlie will ya come bathroom with me" sorscha steps in front of Mia covering her. I narrow my eyes but nod. Once we arrive out of the bathroom I see Mia again and before sorscha can stop me tell her I'm going to say hi. "Hey Mi-" I can't get the full name out of her mouth. A girls on top of her with her lips pressed onto Mia. Tears fill my eyes as I stare at them. "Sweethea-" Mia had noticed me but it was too late. I ran from the bar sitting down outside. I felt it happening again. My breaths were ragged, I felt like throwing up tears running down my face and I felt a soothing hand touch mine. "It's ok" was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

I woke up in a weird place. It looked like a hospital. "Marjorie?" I see her stood there. She turns around. Once she sees me a wide grin spreads across her face as she jumps onto me giving me a bear hug. "Someone's here to see you" it's Mia. Of course it is. "Hi Sweetheart" an apologetic frown is on her face. I sigh. "Mia" I reply coldly looking down at my hands. I can't even stand the look of her right now.

I left it on a cliffhanger I had to add a bit of drama because it would be so boring if there wasn't

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