Duel of the Fates [Alternative]

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A/N: "For the record this isn't canon!"

The Sith stood before the four Jedi, the Naboo, and the Queen. However, Padme remained unfazed. 

Padme: "Who is this?"

Queen Amidala's decoy's words were cut short by a sudden, ominous sensation. "I've got a bad feeling about—" she began, only to be silenced as an invisible force constricted her throat. Panic surged through her as she struggled against the unseen assailant, clawing desperately at her neck, but finding nothing to grasp.

Rahm Kota shoved a push at the Sith Lord who only skidded backwards, slightly. This rupture of concentration had managed to release the grasp on the Handmaiden who was pretending to be the Queen. "We'll handle this." Said the blind Jedi Master.

Kenobi: "Are you certain? Master Kota with all do respect, he took your eyesight in the last duel."

Kota: "He may have took my eyes, but I've learned to see in a different way." He pressed the weapon emitter on his lightsaber, which showcased an emerald color that shined true. "I have a score to settle."

(Y/N): "So do I." The boy ignited his lightsaber as well. 

Qui-Gon's words carried a weight of wisdom as he cautioned (Y/N) against succumbing to his emotions. "You lost control once before. Do not allow anger or passion to cloud your judgment," he advised, his tone firm yet compassionate. Resting a reassuring hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, he imparted his guidance before withdrawing, leaving (Y/N) to ponder his words.

Padme's decision was resolute as she spoke, "We'll take the longer route." With the Naboo delegation diverging, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon followed suit. The Sith Lord's demeanor remained unchanged as he launched himself towards the two Jedi. Swiftly, they raised their lightsabers, meeting the relentless assault of the Zabrak Sith Assassin head-on. Despite the ferocity of the attack, the Jedi stood unwavering, their resolve matching their skill.

The three saber wielders traded green and red. 



The distinctive hum of Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber filled the air as he twirled it skillfully, creating a whirlwind of lethal energy. With a swift motion, he hurled the spinning blade towards Kota, intent on striking him down. However, the Jedi Master's reflexes proved swift as he deftly evaded the deadly arc of the weapon, narrowly avoiding its lethal touch.

Emerging silently from the shadows, (Y/N) launched a powerful downward strike at the Sith Lord, channeling all his strength into the attack. The Sith, however, reacted with lightning reflexes, engaging in a fierce struggle with the Padawan. With a surge of power, the Zabrak Sith called upon the Force, hurling the lifeless body of a fallen Naboo Guard at (Y/N), momentarily diverting his attention.

The body collided with the boy with a thud. Using his strength to move it to the side, in which he was barely able to dodge the downward skewer from Maul. The blaster fire from the opposing sides of the hangar made it more difficult to concentrate on the duel at hand.

A few droids attempted to fill (Y/N) with blaster holes, which diverted the Padawan's attention slightly. The location needed to be changed. He used the Force to pick up a blaster from the lifeless Naboo guard, shooting at the interface that connected the Generator Door. Kota followed his Padawan with the power of the force as he leaped over the Sith Assassin.

He gave chase to them both. The two Jedi were now on the backfoot as the Generator Door closed behind them. The ferocity between the three sword fighters continued. The two Jedi retreated onto an elevated catwalk with the Sith Assassin joining them. 

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