Chapter 6 - Mixed Signals

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After Rebecca and I just hung out watching TV and chatting until it was time to go get the girls, I knocked on Logan's apartment door. He answered wearing athletic shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt that showed his flawless skin. My mind flickered to Bellamy's tatted arms compared to his unmarked ones. "Come inside. The girls are upstairs picking up their room." Logan brought me out of my thoughts of Bellamy, and I followed him inside to the kitchen.

"Would you like something to drink?" he asked politely.

"No, thanks."

"How are you feeling today?"

I leaned against the counter while he grabbed a bottle of water from his fridge. "I'm good. I didn't drink that much last night if that's what you're wondering."

He smiles at me. "You seemed relaxed last night when I got there. Who was the guy you were playing pool with?"

His exterior is nothing but friendly even though I know him well enough to see the jealousy and know he's seeking information. "His name is Bellamy. He's Trish's brother's best friend. We all went to school together. I hadn't seen him since a few weeks after graduation right before you and I started dating."

He hummed and nodded. Logan hadn't gone to school here. He went to a prep school out of town and lived on campus, so our paths had never crossed until one night at a party of a joint acquaintance. I watched his eyes scan down my body. He pushed off the counter he was leaning on across from me, stepping closer to me than I'd prefer. "You looked really pretty last night in that dress. Sexy."

I snorted and shook my head.

"I'm serious. I've never seen you in that dress before." He traps me in with each of his hands on the counter behind me.

"Logan," I warn, inching back from him. But he closed in the distance with his body. It was slightly against mine now, and I put my hand on his chest to stop him from getting any closer. "What are you doing?" I ask, not sure of his intentions.

He stared down at me with lust shining through his eyes. "I've always had a weakness for you in a black dress."

"Where's Lisa?" With his proximity, I knew she wasn't here.

Mentioning her name didn't even phase him. "Still at her grandparents."

"Did you two get in a fight?" I asked curiously.

He shrugged with one shoulder. His eyes never leaving mine. "You can say that."

I was a little surprised. "Did you break up?"

"You could say that too." It was like it was no big deal for him. It probably wasn't. If they did break up, he could find another girlfriend in the blink of an eye with his good looks and charm. Before I could respond, his face inched a little closer. "Come to my room with me."

"What?" I jerked my head back further away from him. "What for?" I was stunned at his lewd suggestion.

"Come on, Bree." He purred seductively. His eyelids hung low as his eyes burned into mine. "You know what for. We both can release a little frustration." I wanted to tell him I didn't want to be his release for his frustration with Lisa. I wanted to tell him that all my frustrations were because of him. I wanted to say lots of things. But I didn't. I hated fighting with him.

He bent down and peppered my jaw with kisses. I froze. In a way, it felt good to be touched intimately. But I was disgusted more than aroused. I hadn't had sex with anyone since Logan and I split up. My body was desperate to be touched, but my mind hated the thought of it being Logan who was touching me.

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