Chapter 1: We met.

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"And happily ever after!" I closed the book I was holding as I smiled, sitting on a stool among a dozen kids. 

"Can you please read another one?"

"Yeah please!" A couple of kids repeated after one another.

"Guysss i'm sick of readingg." I groaned, pretending to fall dramatically to the floor. I hear a couple of the kids gasp. "How about, we play hide and seek!" I suggested, crossing my fingers, because gosh I don't wanna keep reading. 

"Yeah!" They all scream, running to me. I stand up, smiling. "Alright guys, i'll go to the front while you guys hide. Make sure you're well hidden, the winner gets a treat! Go!" I laugh, making my way to the front. I lean far over the counter to get my notepad, barely reachable. Then I feel myself flying. I prepared myself for the impact, but just then I felt strong arms around me. I was shocked, still squinting my eyes. Maybe I was still on the ground, maybe it hurt too much for me to even feel it. I slowly opened my eyes, and I swear to gosh there was an angel standing there, holding me. He had fluffy, brunette hair, a muscular build, but not too muscular, soft green eyes, and dressed really casual, cream color shirt, and blue jeans. Matching me. 

Gosh darn it. Of course we had to be matching. I stood up straight, lightly brushing myself off. I looked up. He can't be real. I lifted my hand slowly and poked him softly in the gut. Definitely real. He tilted his head to the side, grinning. 

"Uh, thanks." I said, smiling a tiny bit. Get it together Lana! I screamed internally at myself, because it would be weird to scream out loud, wouldn't it? He just nodded. Oh my goodness, he probably hates me. He probably thinks i'm so weird. I looked around him as I heard the door bell ring as a little girl stormed in the daycare. 

"Jeremy! I told you to wake me up when we got here! What the frick is wrong with you?" She yelled at him, bringing a smile to my face, she couldn't have been older than 6, screaming at.. Jeremy, I think she said. He knelt down to her eye level, smiling. 

"I'm sorry Michelle. You were just sleeping so peacefully, I couldn't dare to wake you up." He told her. I lightly gasped at his voice, he sounded angelic. Not real. I'm guessing he heard it because he looked up at me and side-smiled. He slowly got up, grabbing Michelle's hand. "This is Michelle, in case you didn't know." He smirked, looking at my outfit, then his. "Nice outfit.."


"Nice outfit, Lana."

I reached my hand out to Michelle, smiling as trustworthy as I can. She looked up at Jeremy, asking for reassurance with her eyes. He nodded. Michelle grabbed my hand, looking at Jeremy the whole time. It made me warm inside, his sister (i'm guessing) looking up to her brother, putting all of her trust into him. I looked down at her, seeing worry in her eyes. I remember when I was like that, long ago. I leaned down, talking low in her ear.

"All of the other kids are hiding, you wanna help me seek? Goodness, these kiddos are really good at hiding." I reassured her, smiling. She nodded, a smile creeping on her face. I stood up looking at Jeremy. He was looking at me, like I was the only girl in the world. I shook it off. I'm overreacting. I felt my claw clip coming unloose, so I raised my arms to fix it. Just then I saw Jeremy's eyes grow wide. GOSH DARN IT! I forgot that this shirt has really loose sleeves, so you could see half way down my stomach, including my bra. My black lace bra. Why did I even wear it? I turned around, embarrassed. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look. It was sort of.. there.. I guess. I'm not that kind of person I promise." He told me, slightly grabbing my shoulder. I jumped. Instinct. I turned around, seeing his wild eyes. I wondered what he was thinking about, probably on why I jumped when he touched me the slightest bit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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