Chapter 1: The beginning

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Praise the lamb conduit, the great power. Promised liberator of The One Who Waits Below.


Yet sacrificial beast, take heed, for a crown cannot sit upon two brows.


How did they get here?

That is what The Lamb asked themself as they walked down a long dirty hall, two cultists in dark robes following behind them.

They came into a wide room, with more cloaked cultists surrounding a pentagram, there's a large pig with an axe to the side.

The Lamb is forced into the middle of the pentagram, and they are forced down onto their knees.

There were four large figures in front of them. These were the bishops of The Old Faith.

One of them, the frog in the middle left, was Heket, goddess of famine. She talked in a deep voice, "Before us stands the last of its kind. All others have been hunted down and put to the blade."

The squid next to her, middle right, then spoke up, their voice meek and weak. He was Kallamar, god of pestilence, "With this final sacrifice, the prophecy will be impossible to fulfill."

Then the figure to the far left, Leshy, god of chaos and a caterpillar, continued to add in a boyish voice, "The heretic who lies below will be condemned to eternal captivity."

Finally, the fourth figure, a spider, Shamura, god of Knowledge and War, finished in a soft whisper, "And the old faith shall be preserved."

The Lamb felt tears roll down their face as the pig they saw from before walked over and lifted an axe above its head before letting it come crashing down onto The Lamb's neck.
The Lamb didn't feel pain though; instead, they felt...nothing...they opened their eyes that were squished shut in fear and saw they were surrounded by a white void.

They looked around before seeing the distance. They walked over.

As they got closer, they saw it definitely was a person; in fact, it was three people. Two small, and one big, the big one was tied by chains that covered their body, it seemed to be causing them great discomfort, they also seemed to have a crown on their head.

That's when they spoke; they had a deep and calming male voice, "Come closer. Fear not, for though you are already dead, I still have need for you."

The Lamb walked closer to the large one; this must be The One Who Waits Below that the bishops were talking about.

"Those foolish bishops thought they could keep you from me in death. But instead, they sent you straight to me." he continued, "I will give you life again, but at a price." he lets out a wide grin, All I ask is for you to start a cult in my name. Do we have a deal?"

The Lamb was silent as they shake and think for an answer while The One Who Waits stared down at them, waiting patiently.

Life again at the cost of starting a cult, that didn't sound too bad, and The Lamb couldn’t just let their species die out like this, plus as they looked at the god they felt color run to their cheeks, they were quite handsome, at least in a shallow way, "Absolutely!" The Lamb yelled out.

The god smiles and chuckles, "Wise choice. Take the Red Crown which I once wore. With it, you shall command the loyalty of Followers and strike fear into the hearts of enemies. Return to the land of the living, start a Cult in my name and begin recruiting Followers. Once you have done so, you will see me again, Now, GO!"

With that, the crown jumped off the god's head and onto The Lamb's. The Lamb smiled as they felt their feet lift off the ground.

Next thing they knew, they were back in that wide room with the hooded cultists again.

They rise from the pentagram, a new red cape on them, and the crown which seemed to slip off their head and into their hand where it turned into a sword.

The cultists ran at them, but they swiped them away, killing them. It seemed they were pretty good with a sword.

They ran out of the room, only to be greeted by more cultists but they were easy to take care of.

They continued to run, they looked back to make sure there was no one behind them when they ran into something.

They stepped back and saw it was a person, a rat. The Lamb yelped and held out their sword. The rat put his hands up, "Fear not! I am Ratau. I was once a chosen vessel like you, but those days are lost to the winds. I was sent to guide you. We are deep in the lands of the old faith and in grave danger. My instructions are to lead you to safety. continue through the woods. Escape lies ahead. I will be close by."

Before The Lamb could respond, Ratau jumped and dug deep into the ground.

The Lamb sighed and continued on, the next few rooms were full of monsters, weird worms, bat creatures, and other cultists.

Soon enough though they ran into yet another room, and were about to attack when they were stopped by Ratau who had popped back up, "We have nearly reached safety, but look ahead! Another poor soul is about to be sacrificed." The Lamb looked, and indeed there was, they seemed to be a chicken and were crying for help, "Rescue them, and they would have no choice but to join your new cult."

The Lamb looked over at the cultist, "Oh mighty Bishops of the Old Faith! We ask you to accept the sacrifice of this wretched soul-" they were cut off when their friend spoke up. They seemed to have noticed The Lamb, "Hey! Who interrupts our ritual and trespasses on sacred ground!?"

Ratau patted The Lamb's shoulder, "You're on your own, kid." he then popped back into the ground.

"Hey!" The Lamb yelled before sighing in defeat and proceeding to kill the cultists. They were fairly easy.

Once they were dead, The Lamb rushed over to the poor captured soul and untied them, "Hey...are you okay?"

The rescued soul, trembling and teary-eyed, noded gratefully, "Y-yes... Thank you, thank you so much! They were going to..." Their voice trembled into mutters.

The Lamb placed a reassuring hand on their shoulder, "You're safe now. Come with me, I'll take you to a place where you'll be protected."

'At least I think.' they thought to themselves, not really knowing.

That's when the ground below the poor soul opened and they were sucked in, "Woah!" The Lamb watched in fear as they disappeared into the ground.

They took a step back before running off, scared.

They then tripped and landed flat on their face as they heard a voice, "We have reached safety. You have done well." It was Ratau who pointed to a pentagram, "The Red Crown will allow you to use those markings on the ground to transport yourself great distances. It will take you to a temple that has fallen into ruin. There you will be able to begin your new cult. I will meet you there" and with that, Ratau disappeared again.

The Lamb let out a sigh as they wondered what they had gotten themselves into.

"What if...?" A Narinder x The Lamb Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now