Chapter 2: Just why?

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  As I zone out, pondering why in the world my best friend would ever dare to do such a thing, and now Isabella?! But then again, Charlotte did seem sad when I yelled at her earlier and snitched on her. Well, I can't blame her. I'm debating whether I should tweet back or stay quiet. Part of my brain tells me to say something, but the other part tells me to shut my big mouth and not do anything. There's something in my gut that says she didn't do anything, and maybe it was someone else, but how would they get onto her account? I have a feeling to do some research about whether someone hacked Charlotte, or if she's just a fake friend. There are a TON of things going through my mind right now, but this is at the top of it. I go and text the group chat because after what happened, I'm not so sure about going anywhere today.

Miella: "Hey, guys, we need to have a tiny talk."

Isabella: "I didn't do anything."

Miella: "Isabella, what did you do?"

Isabella: "I didn't steal candy from a baby the other day."

Lamitta: "What the-."

Miella: "OMG Isabella. Anyway, back on topic, did you hear about my secret that got leaked?"

Isabella: "What secret?"

Lamitta: "Isabella, just go check your Twitter."

Isabella: "What happened? Why would someone do that, especially your best friend?"

Miella: "Listen, guys, I'm not sure I want to hang out today because of all the stress, but just don't worry about me."

Isabella: "Not worry about you? That's gonna be hard."

Lamitta: "We'll figure it out, and we will find a solution to this, I promise, queen."

Miella: "I don't know what I'd do without you guys. Xoxo."

Isabella and Lamitta: "Xoxo."

I'm so tired from all this; I'm going to bed. I wake up the next morning feeling half-decent.

"Good morning, Mielli." That's like my dad's nickname for me. You know how dads have nicknames for their daughters; well, mine's 'Mielli.'

"Good morning, Dad," I say.

"Head to school; you're going to be late! Xoxo, love you," he says.

"Love you too, Dad." I was walking to my first class, stupid math, until I bumped into Charlotte.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" Charlotte says.

"Just because I yelled at you doesn't mean you have to ruin my life. Seriously, why, just why?" I say.

"Seriously, what are you talking about?" she says as I puff.

"Don't even try to gaslight me; you were my best friend," I say in a very frustrated voice.

"Oh, is it a prank for TikTok? Where are the cameras?" she laughs.

"You think it's funny now? You're going to regret this," I say.

"Regret what? Please tell me what's going on," she pleads.

"Cut the act," I say, walking away as she is confused about what's happening. I don't know why she's trying to gaslight me, but it won't work on me. Little did I know, that something life-changing was about to happen. I just wanted to have a normal life, but she ruined it. I never wanted to see her nasty little face ever again after what she just did. I needed a break, so I skipped class and went to eat with Isabella. Lamitta said she didn't want to come because she was doing her math homework. We didn't have math homework, but maybe it was just an extra worksheet. Unlike Isabella and me, Lamitta was a smart cookie; she would never skip class, get straight A's, and always be a good student, but not anymore. Isabella and I are just eating our hamburgers and talking about the situation.

"How is your hamburger?" Isabella asks.

"Isabella? This ain't the time," I say.

"What did I do?" Isabella says.

"Never mind. Just all the stress is killing me," I say.

"You can't let this little situation affect your future; just walk past it," Isabella says.

"It's hard to get over it; it's not that easy," I say curiously.

"Whatever. Anyways, back on topic," Isabella says.

"Do you believe Charlotte got hacked? Or do you think it's someone else?" I ask.

"No, I think it's a monkey. YES, IT'S CHARLOTTE. IT WAS ON HER ACCOUNT!" Isabella yells.

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