First Fright

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It was barely 3 am, when Peter snuck back into the Avengers Tower.

He wasn't supposed to patrol this late, but those criminals never sleep.

He heard Clint scream and rushed to his room. The door was locked, so he kicked it open.

Clint was flailing around frantically, trying to back away as if someone had attacked him, but no one was there.

Peter slipped off his mask. "Uncle Clint?" He asked worriedly.

Clint stopped moving and looked over. "There was somebody in here. They started to rush at me. It was freaking scary." Clint said.

The other Avengers burst into the room. "Why were you screaming?!" Tony asked.

After he explained, they all decided to just go back to bed and that it was probably a nightmare.

Peter, however, felt weird. His spider senses were going haywire. It felt as if someone was there, but there wasn't anyone.

That was odd. It's almost as if they were there, but yet they weren't.

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