Chapter 3: The Rebellion

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I remember the day I was born. Locked away in a cave with my mother hidden away from the rest of the world. My mother screamed and ached with nobody but me. She'd sit in her own blood with me in her hands.


I've never felt like a misfit until I had to act like a mammal. My mother had to keep me locked away. Safe. Protected. Now I have to be the mother my siblings need. Without my mother here and my siblings not being able to control themselves I have to teach them. As a being.

I've taught them how to convert, how to eat, how to survive, how to hide, how to be everything normal. The world we've known was taken from us, made up of muddy greens and grays. Trees burnt down, buildings taken apart, and the vampires and faeries and wolves still in danger of each other.

"Emmett," I yelled out to him from the one side of the forest. "Catch." I tossed a large tree branch watching Emmett transform and grip it in his mouth, growling and watching me. I could see the excitement in his eyes even through his form. He's black, hairy, and has bright brown eyes that could melt you. I stood and smiled at him, proud.

If my mother was here, she would be just as proud.

Thinking of my mother, my smile slowly dropped and I just stared at him. He stared at me with gleaming eyes, saying "did you see that Freya, mom would be amazed." I winked at him telling him I know.

The sun was setting so we made our way back to the shed. I rode on Emmett as he sprinted with Lucia and Jamie not far behind. The shed was behind way back Isvae. Past all the destruction and all the chaos and the rest of the world that still lives. As we strode I looked at all the buildings that used to be homes, all the trees that used to be beautiful, all the roads that are now abandoned, and all the missing beings. The humming of tanks was heard only a few feet away.

"Fuck," I breathed, "Everybody down," I half whispered half yelled. I lifted off Emmett as they continued to crawl behind some abandoned cars. I looked around trying to see where the noise was coming from until I saw them. A whole group of soldiers spotted me.

An 18 year old girl. Alone in this world. Their heavy boot steps echoed louder as they approached me running full speed.

They're gonna catch me.

They're gonna kill me.

I can't leave them alone.

I start running down the streets leaving Emmett, Lucia, and Jamie behind. This is for the best. If they catch me they can't get to them. The only ones I have. A few wolves appear behind them and I can smell them from every angle. "Fuck" I whispered out loud.

I was surrounded.

"Fuck" I yelled even louder. Guns at all angles and saliva spilling out their mouths. Tears filled my eyes. I was going to leave them. Emmett can take care of the younger two but he's still in the learning process.

"Oh, my Emmett," I whispered. "Oh my Lucia, my Jamie." I've closed my eyes, sinking myself into a nearby tree. The sounds of wailing, growls, and gunshots brought me back to my senses. I've slowly opened my eyes seeing Emmett with a guard's head in his mouth while Jamie and Lucia are breaking apart the limbs of another. I just watched. Somewhat proud, amused, and a little terrified. My breathing got harder as I see them kill them all one by one. The wolves that were with them ran. My guess, they're bringing more. I've scrambled myself back to my feet bringing out a knife from my boot spinning it around my finger.

Blood was everywhere. The screaming has stopped. Nothing but me and three wolves surrounding me. "Let's go," I tapped Emmett's head so he could bend down and lift me up. We walked silently until we made it back to the shed. It's gotten fully dark and by this time, they're all tired out. I've cleansed them, fed them, and made them swear that a word will never be spoken of this encounter again. Once they were tucked in, I sat across the room, watching them. I made sure they couldn't hear my sobs. I thought I was taking care of them, turns out they're taking care of me. All the times I thought I was helping, turns out I was making them hurt and suffer. Best if my mother threw me off the cliff, like she did with herself. 

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