Part 2

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“Ang bossy niya pero ang tagal dumating,” Harvey complained, arms crossed. She’s observing things around her when her phone beeped. She took it out of her pocket and read the message.

“I’m already here. Where are you?”  the text reads. 

“Black hoodie,” Harvey replied. She slid her phone back to her pocket.

Harvey jumped when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning, she saw July beside her. Agad siyang dumistansya  and handed the paper bag na naglalaman ng hoodie without making eye contact sa babae.

As July moved closer to Harvey to take the paper bag, si Harvey naman ay pumapalayo sa kanya.

“Here,” itinaas ni Harvey ang paper bag, still not looking at the red-haired girl. “Your favorite hoodie,” she emphasized the last two words.

Tinignan lang ito ng dalaga, wala atang balak tanggapin ito. So Harvey waved the paper bag in an attempt para kunin ito na niya.

“Baka may balak kang kunin ito? Nangangalay na kamay ko.”

July took the paper bag and uttered, “Thank you.” Tinignan niya ang paper bag kung tama ba ang hoodie na binigay ng babae before nodding.

“Akala ko hindi mo kukunin. Tapon ko na sana,” Harvey smirked. The latter just smiled slightly at the unexpected silliness.

“Anyway, I’ll get going,” Harvey said, turning to leave.

“Hey,” Harvey stopped when July called her. “Nagmumukha kang robber dahil sa hoodie mo,” July joked.

Harvey glanced back at her, giving her a disdainful look. July smiled slightly, but Harvey rolled her eyes before leaving in a huff.

“But you’re cute, though.”

But Harvey failed to heard it.

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