42 | Taehyung

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I lean back in my chair and smile to myself as I think back to Jisoo's sleepy smile as I left her in bed this morning

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I lean back in my chair and smile to myself as I think back to Jisoo's sleepy smile as I left her in bed this morning. She looked so beautiful and satiated. I'll never get enough of that smile.

I'm pretty sure it's seared in my mind for the rest of our lives. I'm making it my personal mission to replicate that smile every single day from now on, starting right now.

I grab my phone with a wicked smile on my face, my heart thumping a little faster, a little louder. No one but her has ever had that effect on me. I've never felt so giddy over something so small.

Taehyung : I miss you already, Chu.

I hesitate for a moment before I send her the photo I secretly took of her this morning. Her eyes are closed and her hair is spread all over our pillows, her shoulders visible above the sheets. There's a hint of a smile on her face, and something about it seems so perfectly intimate.

Taehyung: Last night was amazing, but is it crazy that I genuinely believe nothing will ever top waking up with you in my arms?


I look up at my secretary, mildly annoyed I got caught grinning at my phone like some sappy teenager. For fuck's sake. "What is it?" I snap.
Dom shoots me a tense smile. "Irene is here to see you."

Irene? What the hell is she doing here? I haven't spoken to her since she came to our house, and a hint of guilt settles deep in my stomach. Sleeping with Jisoo marked the end for Irene and me. Forever. But then again, we were over long before Jisoo walked down that aisle. Part of me knew that, but does she?

"Tell her to leave."

Dom hesitates. "She's says she's here to discuss the merger."

I lean back in my seat and sigh as I stare up at the ceiling. "That's bullshit. Her mother has been handling the merger, and there's no way she'd relinquish control to either of her daughter. Not until she formally signs away her shares. Get one of the board members to deal with Irene. It doesn't necessarily need to be me she speaks to. You can join their meeting and report back to me. From now on, please minimize my interactions with her if they aren't strictly necessary."

Dom nods and turns around, but the door opens before he even reaches it. Irene walks in, her signature movie star smile on her face. Not too long ago, that smile would've made me grin at her in return. Now, it just makes me miss Jisoo's genuine little smiles, her giggles, her authenticity.

"Taehyung," she says, walking up to me.

I sigh and dismiss Dom with a head gesture. He throws a reassuring smile my way before he bolts out the door, deserting me.

"Irene," I say, my tone clipped. "What brings you here today?"

She rolls her eyes and walks around my desk, leaning against the edge of it. "Don't be like that," she pleads, her tone playful. "You aren't still mad at me, are you?"

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