7. Smoothies and Secrets.

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"You still haven't told me why you were so upset yesterday." Piper gazed over to Alex who was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. The girl wanted to help and even pleaded with a pouted lip, but Alex insisted on doing it by herself.

"Yeah, I know." Was all she said. Alex met pipers gaze and arched her brow, sighing softly as she turned back around to tend to the eggs.

"It wasn't your fault, okay? You're like not even a problem to me at all, I like you, I really fucking like you."

Piper smiled at that.

"It's my Ex. She's just back in town and has been causing some trouble. She came to my class just a little bit before you showed up and..." Alex sighed again and crossed her arms. "She's not so happy about..."

Alex motioned between herself and Piper.

"But I told her to fuck off..." She continued. She carried the frying pan over to the kitchen table and began to scoop some eggs into pipers plate, coming back with some sausage and bacon. Piper didn't know how to take this information so she stuffed her mouth with food, not having to talk.

The eggs were great. I mean, they were just normal plain ordinary eggs but when Alex cooked them they had this taste that was unlike any other. Piper undoubtedly loved Alex's cooking. And Alex undoubtedly loved cooking for Piper. It was weird how making Piper happy made herself happy.

"You have to go soon." Piper noted, looking at the clock on her phone. She really didn't want Alex to leave but that's a childish want. Alex was an adult, she had priorities.

"You're one of them." Alex interjected, taking a spoonful of eggs into her mouth. Piper furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" She laughed softly. Alex wiped her mouth and stood up, collecting their dishes.

"My priorities," She stated. "You're one of them."

"Oh." Piper mumbled, her cheeks heating more and more as Alex stared at her. Dammit, I really need to stop saying my thoughts out loud. Piper couldn't help it though, it just comes out whether unwilling or not. Alex laughed and scraped the leftovers into the trash, rinsing the plates and placing them into the dishwasher.

"You're right though, if I want to make it in time I should be leaving in about 10 minutes."

Piper frowned, letting out a childish whine. She stood up and went into her bedroom, plopping down onto the bed. Alex had to leave but Piper didn't have to. Piper didn't have class until 8:30 and it was only now just nearing 6. The bed space beside her slowly dipped down, signaling Alex laying beside her. Sure enough, her arm snaked around Pipers waist, pulling her against her body.

"Don't be like this, babe. I have to go to work." Alex chuckled, laying her head besides Piper's, on the pillow. The blonde just let out another whine, only causing Alex to laugh more.

"You know I'm not leaving with you like this."

Piper smiled, turning around to face Alex.

"Good. Don't leave then." She mumbled, pushing her legs between Alex's to gain even more closeness. Alex sighed and just stroked the girls hair, something she's come to always do whenever they laid together.

"Pipes..." Alex pleaded. "Come on, I really have to go."

She slowly pressed a kiss to pipers, forehead, peppering kisses down until their lips met. Alex had come to learn that Piper was a very deep kisser, she used a lot of tongue, while Alex had always just been focused on lips. Not that she didn't like Piper's kisses or anything, because boy did she like Piper's kisses.

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