Chapter 10 .•°•. Dandelions- Ruth B.°•.•°

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~Kazuha's POV~

Archons, what did I do to deserve this?

Aether, Lyney and I are assigned to do group work, but they are acting so strange around each other!

The whole lesson they weren't only not able to speak with each other, no, they weren't even able to look at each other. It's driving me crazy!

Luckily, the bell rings in this moment, and everyone starts to leave.

"Guys, let's meet up in the library after school so we can continue the project, okay?"

They both nod and pack their things. We walk to the cafeteria together and sit with the others.

The table has just three places left, and I choose my seat so that Aether and Lyney have to sit next to each other.

Not my smartest move, maybe...

After ten minutes of awkward silence and eating, Scara dares to say something.

"What's this atmosphere..?"

I sigh.

"Something happened and these two," I point at my right to Aether and Lyney, "aren't able to speak with each other now."

I see Heizou and Venti exchanging a look.

"I think that's because–" Venti speaks up but gets immediately stopped with a "Don't." from Aether.

The table falls silent again, and the atmosphere thickens.

"Okay, you two, go somewhere and speak it out. It can't continue like that!" Scara snaps and Aether and Lyney flinch.

"There's nothing to–" Aether starts but gets grabbed by Lyney by the arm. "There is, come on, let's take a small walk." He smiles at them and drags Aether out.

Now I turn to Venti and Heizou.

"What happened?"

"Well, you see..."

~Lyney's POV~

Shit, shit, shit what am I gonna say now?

I try not to make my inner panic visible and at least look calm.

We're in the school yard now, and the most beautiful person stands in front of me, avoiding my eyes and blushing... a lot. Heh, cute.



They look up, and I signal him to speak first.

"Well, uhh... thank you for the Lilies. They are really pretty... and Heizou and Venti told me what they mean..."

"They did...?"

Goddamn, I should say more, but I can't think of anything, so I let them speak.

"Yeah..." He breathes in. "Lyn, I have a question... do you like me?"

My heart skips a beat.

No, not one, at least three.

Not only because of the nickname.

Do I like them? Fuck no, I love him.

"I do... a lot, actually. I've liked you for a while now, but I never knew how to tell you... Aether, do you want to go out with me?"

Finally, I did it! Wait, but what if he says no, what if they don't like me back, what if–

My panicked thoughts get cut off when I see Aether's eyes light up and the brightest smile of the world painting his face.

"Yes, of course! I mean..." they clear their throat. "Yes, I'd like that."

It's so cute how he tries to sound calm, but their voice dripps with excitement.

I can't help but grin too, I'm just too happy.

I slide my arms around their waist, bringing them nearer to me, and his face flushes at high speed again.

My eyes travel down to his lips, then back to their eyes.

"May I?" I get a nod, and that's consent enough for me.

They close their eyes, and I gently place my lips on his, closing my eyes too.

I feel their breath hitch, and that makes me smile.

His arms find a way around my neck, pushing me impossibly nearer.

But then the bell rings, signalling everyone that the lessons continue soon.

I slowly pull back and take a look at their face. He's blushing, and his lips are a bit puffy from the kiss.

"You're so cute." For that, I get a peck on my cheek, and we slowly deattach from each other.

"Let's go. The others are surely missing us." I chuckle.

They nudge lightly at my hand, and I open it so that he can hold it, and we intertwine our fingers.

We walk through the halls, back to the cafeteria in silence, but it's not awkward. It's a comforting silence. We are in our own thoughts, and it feels nice not having to speak for once.

~Aether's POV~

God, I love this man.

I'm so content. My heart feels like it's gonna burst soon.

We arrive at the cafeteria and grab our things.

"Looks like you've... talked." Venti raises a brow.

"Shut up, we did talk." I reply.

"Yeah, we're dating now." Lyney adds, and after everyone congratulates us, we say bye to the others and walk back to our classroom with Kazuha, our hands still intertwined.

The work on the project is much easier now, and we finish it rather quickly, so we don't have to go to the library afterwards.

"Aeth." Lyney's arms slide around my waist from behind when I pack my things after the lesson, and it sends me straight to cloud seven.

"Y-Yeah?" I try not to sound too wobbly.

"Do you want to grab an ice cream with me after school?" His face is definitely too close to my ear.

"Are you asking me on a date right now?" I try not to sound as if I'm grinning from one ear to the other.

"Yes, I am. Am I not allowed to?"

"Of course I'll go with my favourite person on a date." I turn around, my forehead against his and my arms around their neck.

"I'm feeling so single..." Kazu sights dramatically.

"Oh, sorry, Kazu..."

"No, it's alright, I have an appointment with Nahida anyways. And I don't wanna thirdwheel." His voice gives away that his complaints were only jokingly.

We say goodbye and make our way out, hand in hand.

"By the way..." Lyney starts, and I look up to him. "Yesterday, you said that you had a person in mind when we spoke about the dorms... who was it?"



I chuckle and shake my head. "Of course you, idiot."

"Oh." Look, they're smiling now again.

I can't help but laugh a bit.

"Whaaat?" He pouts.

"No, nothing."


a/n: GYUS I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPLOAD I had no motivation to do anything... but I'll try to do more now!! Hope u enjoyed the chapter :)

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