Lost baby owls

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Little : Bokuto Koutarou and Miharu Tamaki

Caregiver : Akaashi Keiji


Author pov
After dinner both little miharu and little bokuto was hiding from akaasi in their nursery.

Miharu was in the closet with bokuto "kou-chan! We need to tell kaashi that we need to go to the the um? Mument park! Like tsumu told us!" She whispers yelled at bokuto who was holding his owl plushie tightly which he name it kira the owl while miharu hold her duck plushie.

Bokuto looked at miharu as he thought it out while akaashi was looking for them "haru? Kou? Where are you my little birdy?" He said as both of the little giggles as they snuggles together back into the closet.

Akaashi who looking around just sigh when he didn't hear them "well then? I might just go and buy chocolate by myself then" he said near the nursery and light stomps to pretend walking out even tho he didn't.

Miharu and bokuto who was heard that gasp "kou-chan!! We need to catch up with kaashi!!!" She said as she get out of the closet with bokuto nodded who both scrambled out of the closet "wait!!! Kaaashii!!! We want to go toos!!" They both shouted.

Akaashi who heard that chuckles "okay, let me get you leash" he said making bokuto whines he didn't like leash meaning he can run far from akaashi and buys his wanted thing even though his leash was a bagpack leash that owl on it.

Miharu who there just looked at akaashi "no! You wash them kaashi!" She said as she reminded him making akaashi stop in his track "i forgot... I should buy a couple more" he mentally noted in his brain.

Bokuto who heard that cheered "yay!!! No leash!!!" He said throwing kira up with miharu cheering too.

Akaashi shakes his head and went to get ready for the two little "anything to bring with you?" He asked which miharu shakes her head as she hold out her duck plushie "juat want to bring duckie wit haru!!" She said while bokuto who run to their shared plushie pile and looked at all the plushie "kou! Want to bring kira only!!" He said as he run to akaashi showing his stuffie.

Akaashi nodded and bought another back which just some stuff rhat for emgrancey if the two littles are overwhelmed or fussy.

Once the three of them are  ready, akaashi made sure that the two littles listen to him "i need you two to stay close by me okay." He said as he fixed bokuto shoes who nods excitedly "and if you want things tell me first before getting them" he said as he looker at bokuto sternly which made him pout "kou-chan will! Now lets gooo!!!" He said whining a bit making akaashi sigh.

The three kf thems was walking inside the grocery store bokuto on akaashi's left while miharu on his right hand both littles was holding his hand tightly with stuffie in their own backpack.

Soon akaashi had to push around the cart/trolley making him debating if he should miharu hand or bokuto since if they don't keep their in his hand one of them are going to misbehave which probably be bokuto.

Sometimes he wished that someone was here with him like kuroo or kenma or even konoha with komi. All the Fukurudani members even coach knows about miharu and bokuto little space. Since they announced it when miharu accidentally slip infront of bokuto that made bokuto slip infront of the team members at least at that time it was one of the after school practice.

Akaashi hold bokuto hand as miharu hold bokuto other hand. The two little was giggling to each other beaming about all the food the groceries had.

As the three of them was on the baby food aisle, both miharu and bokuto was let loose while akaashi watch because they can choose whatever snack they can eat.

Miharu and bokuto was looking at the snack likes its was the most important things in the world "haru-chan! We have come across of snackies! We need to get one because kaashi said so! I want this this yogart snack!" He said as he shows the snakc while miharu nodded at his word "you want the apppe melt cookies! Because you likes it be melts" he said while miharu shows her cookies "nyum nuum" she giggles hugging it tightly.

Akaashi looked at the other selection of the snack that was available there "hmms? Wonder what they doing over there" he chuckles as he grab two baby puff to put in the cart.

Without knowing akaashi shoulder was being tap by some old asking him for help on a certain food which can of something. Akaashi was tempted to say no but he cant because she need help without thinking akaashi left the two littles hoping it was a quick run on helping the old lady.

The two littles was still debating then miharu pouts "ask gaashi to buy two?" She said as she turn to run to akaashi but frown "kou? Gaashi not here?" She frowned before her lips wobbles "d-did.. he.. l-left.. us.." she sniffles hugging bokuto tightly while bokuto shakes his head "no! He plays hide and seek! And we have to find him okay!" He said trying to cheer up his little sister (they aren't sibling but yeah)

Once the two walks to another aisle hand holding tightly with snacks. Without knowing when the little left the aisle akaashi was running back to them.

Akaashi made it in time to see no of his little in sight making him worried "haru? Kou? Where are you? Fuck..." He muttered quietly at the last word.

The two littles subtle across a toy aisle making them forgot that they lost akaashi and was supposed to search for him.

As akaashi was practically speeding walking to every aisle soon he heard something he thought he never thought he wasn't going to heard.

There in the toy aisle bokuto protecting miharu from someone with akaashi run toward them "excuse me what going in here?" He said all three of them looked at akaashi.

The man explained that he needed directions to the baby aisle and thought asking miharu and bokuto but yeah it didn't go well.

After handle that situation both miharu and bokuto hugs akaashi tightly and cried on each of his shoulder making akaashi just stay there silently pat their back.

Once the two calm down miharu speaks up "w-where gaashi go?" She said while bokuto nodded as akaashi sigh "sorry, i had to help an old lady just now and thought would be back before you stop doing your serious discussion" he said while bokuto sniffle "kaa! Can we buys two snack and toy?" He muttered which akaashi thought about it before nodding "yes, we can. Two snack for each of you and one toy for each of you okay?" He said which the two little nodded and ran to get two of the same snack they was having discussion with.

Then both bokuto and miharu ran to the toy aisle to buy the same replica of bird which was a snow owl since they been looking at that owl for long time.

When the two shows the owl akaashi looked at the two "are you sure you want the same owl?" He asked which both little nodded "yep! Its siblings!" Bokuto beamed while miharu nodded.

The three of them got an extra ice cream too on the way home.

Once they were inside their house both miharu and bokuto ran towards their playroom to play with the new owl while akaashi watch before sending a quick text to kuroo and kenma on helping him with 2 littles and maybe their old highschool teammates.

Just maybe he will trust the others a bit more since what happened today.


This was long that i expected but yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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