babied - JeongMin

180 3 2

Little: Minho
Cg: Jeongin


Minho was stressed, he felt it himself when he was at dance practice, he hadn't slipped in about 7 weeks due to stray kids preparations for a new comeback.

Jeongin noticed it too, he cares about Minho a lot, he saw the lack of regressing was stressing the older out.

He knew he had to help him somehow.

After dance was over he walked over to Chan and whispered in his ear before Chan smiled softly and nodded, Jeongin was over the moon.

Jeongin walked over to Minho and wrapped his arms around the back of the older, "hi Innie what's up?" Minho asked trying to sound calm and happy towards the maknae so he wouldn't worry him.

"Nothin Min Min, I know your stressed and I just wanna comfort you" Jeongin whispered into the olders ear, Min Min being the nickname that the older used when in little space.

Minho felt his little side almost immediately take over but he held on trying to stay big, "what are you doing Jeongin?" Minho managed to ask without any slip ups in his speech.

He knew Jeongin wanted to help but he hated being little infront of everyone else as they always babied him, he loved it when he was small sure but big him would rather not deal with it.

Jeongin smiled and kissed the olders ear, "nothing, if your okay I'm gonna go get food with Channie Hyung!" Jeongin chirped happily letting go of Minho who whined at the loss of contact softly and Jeongin noticed it but didn't say anything.

Jeongin and Chan left together in order to get food for everyone, meaning everyone was in the practice room and weren't gonna go anywhere else.

Minho sat on the couch trying to ignore the loud noises coming from everyone else who were all playing a game with eachother, "you sure you don't wanna join the game Min?" Jisung asked sitting next to the older and patting him on the head, Minho almost felt himself slip completely but he held on.

He nodded his head softly and turned back to looking at his phone, Jisung walked back over to the rest of the group, "guys he's still not slipping we are gonna have to play the song" Jisung whispered so Minho wouldn't hear and thankfully he didn't.

Changbin walked away from the group and connected his phone to the speaker system to play little Minho's favourite song, bound to make him small, Jeongin told them to only play it in emergency situations and this was one of them.

Minho's head whipped up as he heard the song play through the speakers, he wanted to make them stop but he was fighting his little side, everyone else in the room had started to sing along to the melody and dance like crazy trying to make it look as fun as possible for the oldest in the room.

Minho felt himself slip, he lost his big side completely. His eyes went wide as he looked around at everyone and then he started to giggle, he dropped his phone on the couch and clapped his hands together in excitement.

Everyone noticed it but Felix was the first one to go into action as he sat next to the younger, "hi Min Min" Felix waved slightly at the younger who giggled and poked his hand, "Wixie!" The little chirped happily.

Everyone cooed over the now mentally younger Minho, Felix patted his head before the little spoke up, "where's appa?" He asked frantically searching for Jeongin, the others chuckled softly as the younger had probably forgotten where the older had gone too.

"He's getting us food with Channie Hyung, Min Min" Jisung told him softly also going to sit next to the younger, "bu' Min Min wan' Appa!" The younger whined, still not happy about Jeongin being missing.

"He'll be back soon hun" Hyunjin told him softly as well, "we can take care of you til he gets back Min Min" Changbin added trying to calm the now angry toddler, "no! Want Appa!" Minho continued to whine and throw a tantrum until Seungmin walked up to him.

"Minho. Appa won't be happy if your throwing a tantrum will he?" He told him sternly but softly enough to not scare the little, Minho shook his head softly bringing his thumb to his mouth, "we won't tell Appa if you apologise for getting upset, we are only here to help your Appa while he's gone, mkay baby?" He patted the youngers head to show him he's not in trouble.

Minho nodded his head, "Min Min sowwy.." the younger mumbled before continuing to suck on his thumb and was quickly met with Chanbing holding his pacifier infront of him which was kept in Jeongin's bag, the little happily accepting the item in his mouth, "we accept your apology Min" Jisung added patting the youngers head.

The 6 of them played some of the littles favourite games before Jeongin and Chan came back with the food.

Once the two of them walked in Minho immediately stopped what he was doing and rushed over to Jeongin hugging him tightly as Chan had carried the food back for everyone. (Strong boi)

"Appa!!" Minho yelled his paci falling out of his mouth onto the floor which Jeongin just sighed at, "hi baby! Were you good for your Hyungs?" Jeongin asked while hugging the younger back.

Little Minho felt a lot of guilt wash over him as he remembered his tantrum from earlier and knew he had to tell his Appa regardless of what the others told him, the little shook his head as he started to cry softly.

Jeongin immediately became worried and wiped his tears, "what happened Min Min" Jeongin asked calmly as he knew the little got overwhelmed from making the smallest 'mistakes'.

"Min Min bad boy.. no deserve food.. " Minho replied more tears falling down his face, the little having had food taken away from him whenever he made a mistake as a child, Jeongin immediately assured the boy he deserved to eat regardless of what happened.

"He had a small tantrum earlier because he wanted you, he apologised to us and we played together and he was good the rest of the time, he's a great baby" Seungmin said patting the littles head, even if he was talking to Jeongin he knew Minho would listen to the small praise.

Jeongin immediately felt sorry for his baby as he probably felt so guilty over it, "I'm proud of you for apologising baby, it's okay I understand you wanted me, I'm here now, okay?" Minho nodded at the mentally older and hugged him tightly again, "fank you Appa" Minho said softly into Jeongin's neck.

They all sat together eating the food that they got, Jeongin helping small Minho with his food and cleaning up whenever necessary.

Happy he could help his Hyung Jeongin immediately felt relaxed and happy that the atmosphere will be more comfortable from then on.


I'm so bad at ending these but I'm so soft for MinJeong in any form they're adorable!

Also baby Minho djwijdke

Thanks for reading!! :D

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