Chapter 9: The Confrontation with old friends

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I found myself seated on a single chair, surrounded by others occupying two long sofa, while Aaden sat across from me on another single chair.

Yes, their names began to register in my mind, I couldn't help but wonder how I knew them and why vivid images of us together suddenly surfaced in my mind.

"It's been a while, hasn't it, Aeliana?" Aaden's greeting broke through my thoughts, his tone was cold and distant.

"I suppose."  I responded as I meet his gaze directly,

Taking in the collective stares fixed upon me, I sensed an trace of suspicion and perhaps even hostility, as if I had done something wrong.

Before any further questions could be arise, I felt urged to speak up, "Before you ask me anything else, I must inform you that I cannot answered all your question"

"Why? Because you're a bitch and your loyalty was in the-"

"Because I don't remember anything at all," I cut off Cleo's accusation.

"What do you mean?" Kai asked curiously.

"I don't remembered anything," I replied with a trace of frustration.

 "When I first arrived here, everything was a blur. There were monstrous creatures with one eyes lurking around, and suddenly I found myself entangled by vines."

A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered the harrowing experience. "It was terrifying, if I'm being honest."

Loki's brow furrowed in suspicion as he asked, "But how did you manage to find the academy if you don't remember anything?"

"I have no idea," I admitted with a helpless shrug. "I just ran until I stumbled upon the academy gates, and then everything went dark. When I came to my senses, Iatro Ades and the faeries were there to greet me. They referred to me as Aeliana, so I assume that's who I am here."

Their exchanged glances betrayed a mix of doubt and uncertainty, as if they were questioning my words.

"I know it's difficult to believe," I continued, "but I'm telling the-"

Before I could finish, Cleo stood up from her seat, her anger show as she leveled a heated accusation at me.

"And you expect us to swallow your tales?After all you've done?" she spat out  

I couldnt help but frown in confusion. Did I do something bad?

"We trusted you. Treated you like a friend. And how did you repay us? By stabbing us in the back, you bitch!" she shouted at me

"Cleo, please," Aaden intervened, his voice calm but firm as he rose to his seat.

"Why, Aaden? Are you believing again with her lies?" Cleo's tone dripped with disdain.

"Not exactly, but what if she's telling the truth?" Aaden countered, attempting to diffuse the tension.

"And here comes your knight in shining armor, Aeliana," Cleo retorted, her sarcasm cutting through the air like a blade.

"Cleo-" Aaden was about to say something but he was cut-off by Kai.

"Cleo does have a point, Aaden," Kai butt in. "Given the circumstances, can we really trust her after what she's done?"

"I understand your concerns, but-" Aaden began before I interrupted, standing up to address them directly.

"You don't need to argue because of me," I interrupt firmly, meeting their gazes with a mix of determination and remorse. "But I'm telling the truth. I don't remember anything at all. I'm not messing with any of you"

"Messing with us?" Cleo said with a sarcastic laugh.

"Ever since you arrived, chaos seems to follow," Cleo accused, her words stinging like barbs. The pain of her words pierced me deeply, and I lowered my gaze to conceal the hurt that threatened to spill over.

 "I don't know what else to say to convince you that I truly don't remember anything," I confessed, my voice wavering with emotion. 

"I can't recall the things I've done, but judging from your reactions, I must have caused you considerable harm. For that, I am deeply sorry. Truly, I am." Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision.

"No matter how many times you say sorry, the damage has been done, Aeliana. If you could bring back his life... No. If you could bring Castor and Nicho back to us, maybe I could forgive you," Cleo looked me up and down, her expression hardened.

 "But I guess you can't." She turned her back against me, starting to walk away, only to pause again. 

"Maybe that's the reason why your deity doesn't claim you," she remarked before ascending the stairs, leaving me stunned.

It felt like her words were a final blow, leaving me reeling with a mixture of guilt, regret, and confusion. The weight of her expectations, coupled with the burden of my forgotten past, pressed heavily upon my shoulders.

As Cleo's footsteps faded into the distance, I remained rooted to the spot, grappling with the harsh reality of my situation.

"Cleo was right, Aaden. She was the reason why we lost Castor and Nicho. She can't just show up here and expect us to welcome her with open arms," Kai said as he too ascended the stairs together with Loki.

"I'm sorry but Cleo was right, Aaden. We couldn't make the same mistake again," Devi murmured before following suit and rushing up the stairs. Flora and Astrid exchanged a glance before silently departing, leaving me alone with Aaden.

I turned to him, searching his eyes for any sign of understanding or compassion amidst the mess. However, his expression remained unreadable, leaving me to face my inner messed alone.

With a heavy heart, I looked at him, my voice filled with remorse, "I'm sorry."

"As you should be," he answered coldly. "Not because I tried to defend you to others means you finally gained my trust." He stood near me, his gaze piercing. "One wrong move, and I will never hesitate again to end you. I promise that to the river of Styx." With that, he turned and walked away, leaving me standing in the wake of shattered trust and broken bonds.

"What have I done?" I whispered to myself, the weight of Aaden's words echoing in my mind. I stood there, feeling a sense of overwhelming guilt and confusion. 

Despite my efforts to recall, my past remained clouded in darkness, leaving me grasping at fragments of memories that refused to coalesce into a coherent whole.

With a heavy heart, I began to piece together the scattered remnants of my interactions with Cleo, Kai, Aaden, and the others. 

Flashes of moments flickered through my mind like a disjointed montage, leaving me with more questions than answers. Had I truly caused harm to those I once considered friends? Was I responsible for the loss of Castor and Nicho?

I felt a pang of despair as I realized that I might never find redemption for actions I couldn't even remember committing. The uncertainty gnawed at me, leaving me adrift in a sea of doubt and self-recrimination.

With a weary sigh, I resolved to confront the shadows of my past, no matter how daunting the journey ahead. For now, all I could do was face the consequences of my forgotten actions and strive to earn back the trust I had so recklessly squandered.

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