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Tonight was a very big night for the Encanto as tonight was the Annual town festival and of course things were going not as well as things had been planned, you see everyone was a bit nervous to say the least. With Mirabel being the crowned princess and all  it was nerves all over the place, After both the Riveras and the Madrigals had gotten back from an experience they will never forget; Who knew Mirabel had a gift after all and  who knew that they had made friends with a family similar to theirs. Things have certainly changed after all but for the better.

Isabela, Dolores, Camilo, Bruno and the rest were all waiting for Mirabel to come down and join them but you see Mirabel was a bunch of nerves. She had no idea how to fill her Abuela's shoes and being crowned princess and all in front of the entire town just seemed to make her more nervous she didn't even know the first thing about being a princess.

"Well there's no use denying it now you are a Madrigal you can do this ". She thought

"I'm not so sure about this Isa ". Mirabel called from upstairs hiding behind the pillar to avoid being seen.

"Trust  me you'll look stunning ". Isabela replies

"Besides its just the town festival what's gonna hurt you, They will all be happy to see you". Isabela smiled

"I'm just not used to everyone's eyes on me". Mirabel replies

"I know but will be here if you need us". Isabela sighed

"Si, she's right now will you come out please the Wait is killing me". Camilo said

"Ay Camilo don't push it". Bruno shooed

Mirabel stepped down in a beautiful blue dress that she had made with a backless finish wearing her Rivera made boots underneath.

"Holy grape vines you look amazing ". Isabela gasped

"You think?" Mirabel coaxed

"Si, if Miguel was here he would drop dead ". Camilo said

"You look beautiful ".  He adds

"Thank you Cami and it's nice to see you and Miguel are finally getting along". She smiled

"Well he kind of is my Primo now so can't beat that". Camilo said

"That's true ". She sighed

She did wish he was here to help her get through this just like their many adventures together, But not all princes will come she knew that she just wished he was here. Maybe this was a good thing you know leading her out of her comfort zone who knows maybe  it will be a good thing.

She was shook out of her thoughts by Dolores calling them to go and hurry up.

"Come on Guys we're ready to go vamanos, vamanos, Vamanos". Dolores started

"Ok Loli We're coming we're coming ". Mirabel sighed

When Juileta caught sight of daughter when they made it out the door she gasped and then her face softened into a smile.

"You look beautiful my love". Julieta smiled

"Gracias Mamá ". Mirabel replies

The rest of the family caught sight of what Mirabel had made and was wearing and gasped and then they smiled.

"Oh my goodness Mija you look amazing ". Pepa cried

"She's right if Miguel was here he wouldn't be able to take his eyes off of you". Bruno added

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