Chapter 25

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Wolf, Ruby, and Weiss made their way through the forest. It was nighttime and the sun was disappearing. Wolf was holding the map, when suddenly he stopped and looked around.

"Well, this is it." The three looked around. All that they could see was more forest. There was clearly no White Fang base nearby.

"This can't be it, give me that," Weiss snapped snatching the map from his hands. Using her scroll navigator, she realized that they were exactly where the red dot was on the map the Recherche had given them.

"Maybe it was a trick, the White Fang dude gave us the wrong coordinates," Wolf sighed.

"Lowlife scum! I cant believe we walked all the way into this wretched forest and found nothing," Weiss huffed. Wolf rolled his eyes at her attitude, though it was almost amusing how worked up she could get. He enjoyed being in the forest anyways.

"Lets take a break before we go back, we've walked so far," Ruby sighed, trying to find a place to sit.

"Maybe if you hadn't stayed up all night blabbing away about the mission, you wouldn't be so tired," Weiss told her, though with less venom in her voice than usual.

"I was excited," Ruby yawned. She found a large bowlder that was low to the ground and sat on it. As soon as she sat, the boulder sank down. With a yelp, Ruby's eyes went wide and she jumped into Weiss's arms. "Ah! It moved! Its a tricky rock! Tricky rock!" She cried as the rock began to slowly move back into its original place. Weiss had caught Ruby out of instinct, but now rolled her eyes at the red caped girl's childish ways. She dropped her arms and let Ruby fall to the ground at her feet. She was an heiress, not a babysitter, but she made sure Ruby didn't fall too hard.

"Hey!" Ruby pouted. Weiss rolled her eyes and handed Ruby a cookie. Ruby's frown disappeared in an instant, and she scarfed down the cookie in one bite.

"I wonder what that rock does," Weiss said, though she was asking the group. She used her foot to press down on it and it slowly sank again. Wolf's ears twitched, hearing something that the girls could not.

"Get down!"he warned, pulling the two girls into the brush and out of sight. He signaled for them to be quite before Weiss could demand to know what he was doing. They peeked out of the brush to see a White Fang member looking around the rock.

"Damn squirrels," he muttered before turning around and walking back into the woods. Wolf looked to Weiss and Ruby and motioned for them to be quiet and stay put.

Making almost no sound, Wolf followed the other faunus to a small hill. The White Fang boy sighed and leaned against it. Wolf purposefully snapped a loud branch, drawing the orher boys attention.

"Who goes there?" The White Fang member demanded, trying to sound tough. Weiss and Ruby watched as Wolf crept up behind him the other boy, wrapped his arms around the White Fang boy's neck in a lock, slowly strangling him until he passed out. Wolf then tucked the other boys body into the bushes. Weiss and Ruby watched him with wide eyes.

"What?" Wolf asked him self consciously. "He's still alive, just knocked out for a bit." The girls relaxed and then looked over at what the White Fang man had been guarding. In the small hill, was a door, leading underground.

In a flurry of rose petals, Ruby dashed over to the rock, sat on it, then dashed back. The door opened, then slowly began to close as the rock slid back into place. It moved slowly enough so that someone could press the rock and then walk through the door at a normal pace. Wolf, Weiss and Ruby ducked inside as the door closed behind him.

Inside was a set of stone steps leading down. It was brightly lit by torches going down along the side. The three moved quietly, each wondering what they would come across when they got to the bottom. None of them saw what was coming.

At the bottom of the staircase were many crates, similar to the ones that the White Fang had packed the train with. The trio ducked behind some and looked observed what was in front of them.

"More bombs?" Ruby asked, seeing how many crates there were.

"Not bombs. Just one big one, look," Wolf said, indicating to an area in front of them. Sitting there was a large contraption, filled with giant tubes packed with fire and lightning dust.

"What would they possibly need a bomb like that for?" Ruby asked.

"A bomb of that size would be enough to level the Schnee Dust Company, or any company for that matter," Weiss said, her eyes growing wide with fear and realization.

"Or an Acedemy full of future huntsman and huntresses?" Wolf asked.

"We have to shut it down," Ruby said with determination.

"How do we do that genius? Do you know how to safely shut down a bomb?" Weiss huffed, putting her hands on her hip.

"You cut the blue wire? No the red one!"

Weiss slapped a hand on her face, tired of Ruby's ridiculousness, no matter how good natured or adorable she was trying to be. "No, that is how you get us all blown up."

"Our mission here is complete," Wolf said.

"What?" Ruby demanded.

"He's right," Weiss sighed. "Our mission was to sneak in, see if this was the White Fang base or not, and sneak back out. Clearly this is their base, and we know they have a giant bomb. So now we sneak away, go get our team, then the headmaster of Beacon, and someone who can actually unwire a bomb."

"Okay," Ruby agreed reluctantly. She didn't like leaving knowing that they were leaving a weapon mass destruction in the hands of bad people, but Wolf and Weiss were right. It was time to go.

The trio turned to leave and came face to face with twelve armed White Fang members pointing guns at their chests and faces.

"Uh oh," Ruby groaned. Things got worse as more members surrounded them and the Lieutenant stepped through the line of guards. He towered over everyone else, reading his chainsaw blade on his shoulder.

"Ah, Miss Schnee we meet again. You will not be lucky enough to escape this time." Wolf, Ruby, and Weiss all took battle positions, but they were hopelessly outnumbered.

"Ruby," Weiss said softly, trying to keep her voice calm but every bit of her wanted to shake with fear. "I don't know if I can beat him." If it hadn't been for Blake, the Lieutenant would have killed her that day on the train.

Ruby's silver eyes met Weiss's ice blue ones. "We can beat him together."

"Not like this we can't," Wolf said, scanning their enemy.

"Thanks Mr. Sunshine," Weiss scoffed.
"No he's right," Ruby realized. "We have to break them up!"

"When I say to, run as fast as you can," Wolf told them.

"Right," the girls nodded.

"Ready?" Wolf started, pulling rounds of dust from his pockets. He held them up and threw them down while shouting, "Go!"

[AN:I'm Sorry this took so long guys! The rule play book that I started is grassy but it takes up more of my time than I thought it would. Dont worry, I havent forgotten about Neo and Yang! Im just tryong to keep the groups at the same pace. See you in the next chapter! :) ]

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