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Marshall's fur stood on end as the new rumble intensified, resonating through his tiny body. He clung tighter to Godzilla's shoulder, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm. Peeking over the giant's bony ridge, he gasped.

The source of the sound wasn't one creature, but four. Each emerged from the churning ocean depths, their colossal forms silhouetted against the fading light. One, a colossal ape with fur the color of twilight, thumped its chest with a deafening roar – Kong. Another, a fiery pterosaur with molten rock trailing from its wings, soared overhead, its screech echoing across the waves – Rodan. The final two figures were even more awe-inspiring. A radiant butterfly with shimmering blue wings pulsated with an ethereal glow – Mothra, Godzilla's majestic girlfriend, as Marshall learned with a jolt. And then there was the three-headed terror, Ghidorah, a monstrous dragon with glowing yellow eyes that scanned the scene like malevolent searchlights.

Godzilla chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down Marshall's spine. "Don't worry, kid," he boomed, his voice surprisingly calming. "These are my crew – the Titans."

He lowered his head slightly, allowing Marshall a better view. "That fiery fella over there," Godzilla rumbled, gesturing towards Rodan with a massive claw, "is Rodan. Best cook you'll ever meet. Just don't badmouth his culinary skills, or things might get…heated."

Rodan swooped down, his voice a guttural rumble. "Exactly! I put my heart and soul into those volcanic fajitas, Godzilla! You know that!"

Godzilla let out a hearty laugh, the sound almost melodic despite its immense volume. "Easy there, Rodan," he said. "Just introducing the little fella here. Marshall, this is Rodan."

Rodan dipped his head in a shallow greeting, a plume of smoke billowing from his nostrils. "Pleasure, pup," he rumbled, his voice surprisingly deep and gravelly.

Marshall squeaked, waving a shaky paw. "Hi, Mr. Rodan! Your fajitas sound… hot!"

Godzilla roared with laughter, the sound shaking the very air. Even the normally stoic Mothra cracked a smile, her iridescent wings shimmering with amusement.

"Next up," Godzilla continued, his voice returning to a serious tone, "is the lovely Mothra, my… girlfriend." He blushed a faint shade of purple, which Marshall found remarkably endearing in such a colossal creature.

Mothra fluttered closer, her gentle voice like a soothing melody on the wind. "Hello, little one. I'm Mothra. Godzilla doesn't get shy very often, does he?"

Marshall shook his head, still wide-eyed. "He seems nice," he stammered, "and kind of funny."

Mothra chuckled, a sound like wind chimes dancing in a summer breeze. "He is, when he wants to be. Now, those two over there," she gestured towards the three-headed dragon, "be a little careful. They're a bit… unpredictable."

Ghidorah’s middle head, a deep, booming voice, piped up. "Unpredictable? We prefer the term 'enigmatic.'"

The left head, with a voice that crackled with static, scoffed. "Yeah, enigmatic and misunderstood. We just want some peace and quiet!"

The right head, sounding young and innocent, whimpered. "But can't we have some snacks first? I'm hungry!"

Marshall watched in fascination as the three heads bickered amongst themselves. Mothra landed gracefully on Godzilla's other shoulder, her wings brushing against Marshall. "Don't worry about them," she whispered. "Niy and Drax, the middle and left heads, just like to stir things up. But San, the one on the right, he's harmless. Just a bit… overly enthusiastic."

Marshall nodded, feeling a surge of confidence. Having Godzilla as his giant friend somehow made everything seem less scary, even a three-headed dragon with constantly arguing personalities. As night fell, casting a blanket of stars across the starlit sky, the Titans gathered around a giant rock formation. Rodan, surprisingly nimble for his size, began preparing a feast using his fiery breath to cook a selection of colossal fish he'd caught earlier. Mothra, with her gentle touch, soothed the ruffled feathers of a grumpy-looking seagull that had dared to criticize Rodan's methods. And Kong, with surprising dexterity, peeled a giant mango for San, the sweet-natured head of Ghidorah, who gobbled it down messily.

Marshall, perched on Godzilla's broad shoulder, felt a warmth spread through him – not just from the volcanic heat emanating from Rodan's cooking, but from the unexpected camaraderie

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