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"Everyone comes to the world naked  Covered in blood,I'm afraid I willl  Leave the world naked covered in blood"

The angelic melody of the birds, the perfect shades of green, the golden mixed sky, nature is perfect. God, how I love nature. Ever since I was a kid, I always had a hobby of planting greens here and there. Watering plants everyday, keeping a promise to get a punishment if I had forgot to water the plants. It was like a reward to the old me. Getting compliments from strangers about my love and care for the nature made me feel like a famous celebrity.

"When I growup, I really want to be a well known farmer" that's what little me said in front of the school. Most of the teachers and students thought it was stupid and said things like "she would grow out of it"   "Honey, you would be a good teacher!"  "Uh uh, that's a boy's job". When did we have preferred genders for simple jobs like farming? That was the time little me dropped out of school due to the lack of money. I should receive a world record for going to school for a week. Again what to do as I was just a child.

Little me made a small farm in the backyard. With hard work little me found plant seeds in a cabbinet filled with dust. I have always spent time there. Planted watermelons and tomatoes. Sat there for hours waiting to see it sprout from under the ground. I was never bored. Planting was my passion.

"Hey what are you doing here kiddo" an unfamiliar, strange man called to the little me. He was a stranger that I never saw around. He looks old and scary too. "Would you like my seeds?" The unfamiliar man with a smirk plastering his face asked the little me. A real devil in disguise.

Little me thought he was a fun uncle who just wanted to share his seeds so that I can grow more fruits and vegetables. A child's innocence is the most purest. Little me was naive.

My parents had left me, abandoned me. I am alive today thanks to my big sister. Most of the times she was drunk and would beat the shit out of little me if I annoy her. Other than that, she was the only one who cared, loved and only one in my life. I felt like I deserved it. She was the mom that I never had and probably will never get.

Sadly my sister was not at home to rescue the little me. Save me from hell. She had mentioned about going to the club moments ago. Taking slow steps to the yellow car. The man forcefully took little me's hand and shoved me into the cars backseat. "I'm sorry you were just being late" he says with a fake smile like he did not hurt little me's wrist before as bruises started to bloom like roses on little me's sensitive skin.

"I have a really big eggplant too, do you want to see?" He said to the little me who was ecxited to see someone who loves planting as much as she does. We have just arrived. Little me was sitting in the couch bouncing. Happy at the thought of receiving gifts for her hobby.

         How can a child know that?

        I was a child  a 6 year old child.

"Suck it like a lollipop"

"You like that huh!?" "I know you like it" "N-n-no, it h-hurts!! P-please s-stop!"

"Take it like the little slut you are"  "p-p-please s-stop I-i am r-really s-s-sorryyy!"

"Fuck yes!"  "I S-SAID S-S-SORRRYY!!" "P-PLEEASE STOPP, IT H-HURTSSS S-SO MMUCH!!"   "just shut up"

There it goes at the age of 6. At the time little me wanted to die to vanish to dissapear from this world. No a child should not feel like this. As a matter of fact no child should deserve to feel like this. They are supposed to be playing with toys and enjoy there childhood.

Little me was lifeless in a pool of blood. Vocal cords damaged as little me had no voice to call for help. Starring at the ceiling. Shocked more like traumatised.

Wearing ripped clothes little me crawled out of the room. Dragging my numbed legs. Eyes still as wide. Sure there were people. Many with phones recording. Most likely to put on social media platforms to get veiws. But none decided to help a freaking child that was covered in blood. This is the society we live in. Grabbing the concrete with the little strength little me had leaving a trail of blood behind. Tears still streaming like a waterfall from the wide eyes. It almost felt like escaping from hell itself. Little me wanted nothing but to go home and clean herself with bleach. Utterly disgusted at the marks which constantly reminded her of what she went through. She blamed herself as she promised not to go outside ever again.

It's getting really late. Darkness fell over the once golden sky as the stars and moon became a witness of her suffering. It's becoming too dark she cannot see anything as she passed out on the pavement. No sound. No movements just lifeless.

Little me felt invisible. Floating in a black void. Fate truly hates her to the core. Got a punishment for a crime she didn't commit. She is innocent. A child is innocent. Little me wonders if someone would beleive her but what could she do as she was just a child. She was just a girl living in a mans world. She was a child who is kind to everyone and this was what she got in return. A cruel punishment.

This was the day that I developed a fear of men. androphobia. Funny isn't it? Most of you will think. But right now I just want to give little me a hug and whisper that everything is going to be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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