chapter 8

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In the daytime

Magical talent and high self-esteem... Lang's elite, Magia Lupus, is full of students of this type, Their highest-ranking members are the top students in the academy, I would rather not push against someone who has real skills, but this academy hides the locations of the houses from each other, in order to encourage...  The competition is inside the houses, and for this reason...we will reveal their location in order to take their coins from them" Lance talked to Mash, who was making cream puffs, and to Elena, who was sitting across from them, putting her head on the table to take a short nap

It was silent for a while before Mash said, "Okay" while Elena gave him a thumbs-up, as a sign that she was listening

Were you really listening?" Lance asked the two


Finally, it has been a month since you were accepted، Here is your house robe, put it on

Lance said with two robes in his hand, Elena took the robe and put it on

"Okay" Mash took the robe and looked at it for a while, before putting it on his head, trying to put it on

You're mocking, right?" Lance said while Elena tried to help Mash put it on

After trying, Mash put on the robe and looked at his back "Oh, the logo

"It's not a logo, it's an Adler badge, and by the way the logo is letters turned into a design" Lance told him

"Okay" Mash said, while Elena just nodded

I hope this raises your awareness of the fact that you belong in a house, but first... Lance said before he was interrupted by the sound of the door opening

Mash-kun! calamity! Tom-senpai..." Lemon said at the door

Will you wait? My cream puffs-" Mash said before being interrupted

But Tom-senpai..." Lemon said again

No, my cream puffs..." Mash tried to speak

Tom-senpai!" Lemon said loudly again


They went to the infirmary

The four of them were standing in front of Tom's bed in the infirmary you all bamboo ing? Or are you just saying  "His bamboo?'" Tom said in a low voice، His face was pale and he had dark circles under his eyes

The leader's personal identity..." Mash said

What happened? You look so drained" Lemon asked

That's what it is, I don't remember anything، When I woke up, I was here, living my life to the fullest. Usually I fall asleep as soon as I go to bed, and then I wake up in the morning, not dreaming, but the night I collapsed... I dreamed that I was...  Trapped in some dark box, I was fully conscious but I couldn't speak، I remained in that position for hours, it was a nightmare" Tom explained to the four

"The leader is very shaken" Mash said before taking the cream puffs out of his shirt "I have to eat cream puffs"

Mash-kun, please lower your voice, are you physically okay?" Lemon said to Mash before asking Tom

"Yes, I feel a little disoriented and withdrawn, and also... I'm temporarily unable to use magic, I can barely feel the magic inside me, and it was as if someone took it out of me" Tom answered Lemon's question

 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 Mashle: Magic and Muscles x ocWhere stories live. Discover now