1. The Strip Club

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The moment the fight had broken out, the club owner was not interested in anything but his girls. He quickly signalled then to leave the scene and meet him in his chamber.

The whole club was filled with drunken men chanting and throwing objects at each other. However, what specifically had brought about the fight didn't really matter to the club owner. He ducked under his arm and galloped out of the scene to his office where he had signalled his girls to meet him.

Door firmly shutted behind them, he proped himself to his table with how arms akimbo. He had a wicked grin on his face as most of the strippers were almost completely naked. Katherine still had her skirt and boots on but her chest lay bare as she'd already done taking off her top back there in the main club room before the fight broke out.

However, she wasn't the only. One other girl had everything off except for her red fishnet panty. To the coun owner, this was great news as it took pretty large sums off money to get his girls naked to such extents. Sometimes, they stay only in their bikinis or relatively longer clothing when the audience fail to throw much money into the stages.

"I hope no one's hurt", the club owner ,Diego started. "Well just a lil cut from a bottle here on ma shoulder, one of the seven strippers had said in her gorgeous accent. "Oh sorry, you dress that up when you get home. Now girls without wasting much time, the show cave over too early today but we still need to make accounts", Diego said with a clap.

At his word, the girls begun to take out the monies they'd made. While some brought out several crampled sums from the boots they wore, others took their money out from their bra, wig caps among several other places one could think of. Linda, hope you'd not play any tricks on me today, Diego said giving Linda a side eye. Linda was a smart girl who had gotten into striptease in order to pay her bills but whenever she got the chance, she hid as much money as possible as Diego always got the lion's share of any amount, large or small they made. After all it was she selling her body not Diego.

"No sir not today", she giggled shyly as she cleared her hair from her face and handed the money she had made that night over to Diego. Meanwhile the fight was still ongoing as they could here the taunts and smashing sounds from the club room. To Diego that was a secondary matter and kept on collecting his money. "Are you really sure about that, he'd she'd Linda suspicious of her innocent smile. Linda want chubby but thick with enough flesh on every part of her body except for that, her backside was exceptional, hilariously pretty large it could engulf a smart phone firmly that it wouldn't fall if she tried to walk.

"Lemme see", Diego said cupping a good amount of each of Linda's breasts in turns and raising them to make sure she hasn't hidden any monies there. Afterwards, with a smile on his face, he slid his right palm in the thong she had on, just to be sure she hadn't hid any bit of the money.

Upon Diego's fingers reaching Linda's  vulva, she gripped his arms and let out a soft moan with her eyes rolling. This created a frenzy as all the other girls as well as Diego begun to laugh. They were so used to being touched inappropriately by Diego and other men especially ones who came to the club to an extent that just as a midwife doesn't get getting stained with blood, they also see it to be cool. After all they got paid for it while they still loose nothing.

Diego brought his hand out and got back to business, giving each girl forty percents of whatever they'd brought to the table that evening and keeping  the rest for himself.

After taking their wages, the girls went in the dressing room and got some clothes on and left through a back door away from the fight into the streets where they get to choose to go home or wherever they please. Most at times clothes they wore were so skimpy that they'd be better off naked but who dares to question fashion without being trolled for being archaic.

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