Epilogue - Hugo, Louis and Emma (Adrien)

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Adrien opened his eyes to the gentle touch of sunlight creeping through the curtains, illuminating the room with a soft, golden radiance. He turned to see the warmth of morning enveloping the space, casting a magical glow around him. As he took in the sight, he felt a surge of happiness and anticipation, knowing that this beautiful day had begun with the sun's tender embrace. The room felt alive with the promise of endless possibilities, and he couldn't help but smile, grateful for the simple beauty of this moment.

...or the simple beauty of his wife.

A delicious weight on his chest caused his heart to soar. He was married to the woman who had stolen his heart almost a decade ago. His best friend. His partner. The love of his life. For once, luck had seemed to be on his side. But not without one last hurdle to jump over.

How could someone have been that late for their own wedding?

His fingers lightly dragged up and down her arm, fingertips caressing her pale, bare skin as his mind replayed each moment of their nuptials — and the aftermath. His eyes sought out her engagement ring, now joined by her wedding band, his own flashing like a beacon of light in the early morning sunshine.

She lay so peacefully in his arms, worn out from the previous long and thrilling day. All his anxieties had washed away once they'd returned to their home together and allowed themselves to open completely with each other.

There had been no need to worry about how they'd work intimately. It had happened and it had been magical!

He hadn't realised all of your dreams could come true in the matter of hours—well most of them, anyway.

Glancing down at Marinette, he marvelled at the endearing unkempt, sleepy look she had going on. Her hair was knotted from his possessive finger manipulations, her face showing remnants of makeup from the night before, and a soft smile graced her lips as she dreamed. He could barely believe that this was how he'd be spending all of his mornings from now on—waking up with the love of his life curled around him. Kissing her, hugging her, simply being with her. What more could he ever want?

She groaned a little in her sleep, moving her body and causing him to almost lose his mind. They had nowhere to be until the courthouse later than afternoon. He'd gone a little backwards with the whole wedding planning, throwing the celebration before the official marriage. But he'd wanted to make it special for her, and if last night's after-hours activities were anything to go by, he had most definitely Nailed It!

Being able to officially carry her over the threshold as his wife would go down as one of his greatest accomplishments.

A soft sigh left her mouth again, and she snuggled in closer. He wasn't going to make it to their first wedding anniversary if she kept this up.

"Hummm..." He looked down to where she was making noises again, a small tug on her lips as she nuzzled into him. Was there anything more adorable?

He could just imagine the dream now. She was probably kissing him the way she had when they were pronounced husband and wife, or when they were having their first dance, or...



Hugo? Who the hell was Hugo and why was his wife calling his name?


Oh, okay!? So now there were two of them?


Now that was new. He watched as the smile left Marinette's face, only to be greeted by a frown. What the hell was she dreaming about?

"Adriennnn!" That was more like it. She pressed a soft kiss against his chest, before moving a little more and slowly opening her eyes. "Good morning, husband."

"Good morning, wife."

She smiled up at him, her eyes so vibrant he just wanted to dive straight in.

"How did you sleep?" she asked.

He trailed his fingers down her arm and joined their hands together, before lifting it up and pressing soft, gentle kisses onto her ring, her hand, her wrist.

The sounds of an angel laughing had his lips searching out something else. Hers.

"The best," he answered, cupping her hand and placing it over his bare chest.

"Me too."

"Though I do have one question. Who are Hugo, Louis and Emma? I'm all up for trying things out with you, but, just so you're aware, I have a hard time sharing."

She snorted, climbing up onto her knees and allowing the duvet to drop from her body. Yep! He most certainly was not sharing that.

"They're the names of our future children," she replied sassily, her eyes twinkling from the sunbeams floating in.

"Oh, yeah?" Adrien smiled and sat up, framing his large, bare hands against her delicate, soft skin. "What about the fourth?" He moved forward, pressing a kiss to her collarbone, which ignited the flame in his stomach to an uncontrollable level. There was only one way this could go now.

With just a whisper, her thumbs dragged over his eyebrows before trailing down his cheeks and caressing his jaw. Her eyes examined every inch of his face like a demon searching for its next prey, and from the way her lips honed in on his, she'd most certainly found her next victim.

"I thought I'd let you decide," she whispered, a smile making her eyes dazzle with mischief.

"We better get started then." Flipping her over, his lips found hers without having to search. His body pushed her deeply into their cloud nine bed and lifted them up into the stars.

"I love you, Mr Agreste."

"I love you too, Mrs Agreste."

And if they were an hour and half late to sign their wedding licence, they only had themselves to blame.

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