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The air hung heavy with unspoken words. An uneasy quietness stretched between Nix and me. I watched him, waiting for him to speak first because I didn't know what to say. Shame flickered in his eyes, quickly replaced by a defensive glint.

"That was a long time ago," he finally said, his voice gruff. "Parents are a bit rough on their kids sometimes, I was a very bad kid so it's kinda expected."

It wasn't the response I expected from him but it was better than silence. The dismissive tone in his voice told me to leave the situation alone and not ask further questions. I honestly wanted to but it wasn't the time.

Every ounce of humour was gone from his face now, replaced by a blank look.

He opened his mouth to say something else then stopped. You could see the struggle within him.

"I understand you, Nix," I said gently. "It's okay and I'm here for you, okay?." It wasn't a thing of pity, but an acknowledgement, a way to show I understood his pain without forcing him to relive it.

Nix's eyes flickered towards me, surprise flitting across his face. He seemed to hesitate, the wall still firmly in place, but a tiny crack appeared on its surface.

"Yeah," he muttered, his voice barely a whisper. "I don't want to talk about it".

It wasn't much, but it was a start. At least I knew that he wasn't ready to talk yet and that was okay.

In the meantime, I decided to shift the focus. "So," I said, trying for a lighter tone, "what kind of trouble did you get into as a kid?" It was a gamble, a way to test the waters without pushing too hard.

Nix snorted, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips for a brief moment. "Let's just say," he began, a hint of a story glinting in his eyes, "I may have had a run-in with a neighbour's prized flowerbed and a very angry goose..."

I gasped as Nix snickered at me, smiling to himself probably about the damage he had caused.

"Nix-"I began, about to ask him why he had gone into a neighbour's house.

He placed his lips on mine, immediately shutting me up. I liked it but he was such a tease and he kept on doing this.

"You can't keep on kissing me when I'm about to speak" I scolded.

"Yes I can, Let's get back, hmm?" he nodded at me absentmindedly as he spoke.

We went back to the sitting room, but at separate times to avoid suspicion. Nix went in before me and I came back about five minutes later with my hair done, lipgloss on my lips and I redid my skincare just to reduce all the questions and to make it seem like I was doing this the entire time.

As I entered the sitting room, I tried to project an air of nonchalance. A glance at Nix revealed that he was about to say something but the glare I sent his way made him shut up.

"Hey, sorry I took so long," I said, flipping my hair casually. "My new moisturizer is a bit thicker than usual, and takes forever to sink in." That was a very stupid thing to say.

Nix raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it, knowing that if he had said anything, he would put himself in trouble.

"Everything okay here while I was beautifying myself?" I asked, gesturing towards my face.

Both Luna and Ray ignored me the entire time because Ray was braiding Luna's hair awfully might I add and Luna was still eating and watching TV. For once, the two weren't arguing or just saying rubbish in general.

My eyes flickered to Nix and back to Luna and Ray. He gave me a small smile, I shipped them.


I had been in bed for the rest of the day and I was bored. I began strolling around the hallway when I heard Ray and Nix talking in their room. I shouldn't have eavesdropped but I did anyway.

"I lied to you" I heard Ray say to Nix to which Nix groaned as if he wasn't interested.

"About what Ray?" Nix replied with a very uninterested tone.

"I acted like I liked Adelaide but I liked Luna and I still think she's pretty," he said to Nix and Nix groaned.

"I know it was wrong and I shouldn't have done that but I thought it was the only way. I should have talked to Luna instead of giving Adelaide mixed feelings" Mixed feelings? 'I felt nothing for you buddy. You're just my friend' I thought.

"Adelaide, I know you're there, I can see the shadow of your short figure" I heard Nix call out from inside the room. Fuck.

"Did you just call me short, I am five foot and eight inches tall, you're just overly tall" I defended as I walked into the room.

"I'm just six foot and four inches tall, you're short" he countered.

"No hard feelings, Ray. I understand." I smiled at him, referring to the things he said before.

"I'm tired, so Ray please get out" Nix groaned.

Ray mumbled incoherent words and left the room, making sure to shut the door extra hard behind him.

"Come here" he smacked his bed overly hard.

I shyly walked over to the bed and sat down far away from him, he eyed me brutally and pulled me closer to him.

"I wanted you between my legs," he said, making me blush.

"How dare you" I gasped, trying to wiggle my way out of his grasp.

"Not in that way, unless you're up for it" he chuckled while I shamelessly blushed.

"You're such a pervert" I countered back.

"You like me," he declared and played with the hem of my top.

"I don't like you in that way," I said back.

"Who said anything about liking me in a specific way?" he quirked a brow at me.

"Shut up smartass" I mumbled under my breath and left his hold, standing at the other end of his head.

"Come here, Angel" he sat up and tapped his inner thigh with two fingers.

"No" I decided to be stubborn.

"Don't make me get up" he chuckled as he checked me out.

"I will not condone any form of manhandling from you" I warned.

He kept on staring at me "Then come here".

"Fine" I walked over to him and sat beside him, which he looked disappointed about.

He pulled me into his lap, directly on his dick, which was hard by the way. The discomfort was much but I couldn't complain. I wiggled around on his lap to set myself free, subtly smirking to myself as I knew what I was doing to him.

"Stop that, beautiful" he growled in my ear.

"Stop what?" I feigned confusion.

"Stop grinding on my dick, please" he placed a kiss on my head as he held my thigh firmly.

I had shorts on, so when he slid his hand further into my thigh, I felt the coolness of all his rings.

"Feel good?" he asked as he continued squeezing my thigh like a stress ball.

I didn't know if he was talking about his fingers or his dick.


The last sentence sounds so wrong.HELP.

Hope you enjoyed it!!

Thanks for reading.


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