Say Click! Take A Pic!

196 9 191

Title is a ref


Another day.. Another hour.

Luna is laid down on the living room carpet floor, his feet being kicked up in the air as he scrolls through his phone. A plate carrying a ham sandwich stood beside him as he swiped away, not paying much attention to his surroundings. They muffled a giggle, double tapping on his screen, liking the video that was displayed. They bit the inside of their cheek, sharing the video with his peers before skipping past it.

"Luna." The teen perks up at his name being called, averting his gaze upwards to stare at whomever called him. Phobos stood straight, one finger in his mouth while his other hand was holding a Barbie doll without limbs and patches of hair. "Yes??" Luna trails off, raising a brow as he deems into Phobos' eyelets. "Earth said t-to tell you to 'wash the damn plates or- or else he'll take yo' damn phone'." Phobos mimics the adult who sent him, giggling after his sentence. Luna squints his eyes, cringing at the horrible expression of Earth. "Uhm.. Okay.." The teenager nods, switching his phone off as he scrambles to stand up on his feet.

As Luna rises to stand, he fixes his shirt and shorts, leaning down to pick up the plate with his sandwich before stretching a bit and making his way into the kitchen area. As he passes the kitchen door frame, Earth walks by him, looking exauhsted yet again. Luna pitys their parent. 'He overworks himself too much.' They ponder, feeling a little determined to clean up for him.

Lunar gets himself ready to do the dishes. He turns the pipe on, biting his bottom lip, grabbing a sponge and squirting soap on it. Luna would begin to work, rinsing the layers of grease off, showering the plates with liquid soap. The black haired teen hums a tune as he carries on with the chore, not minding the conversation that took place in the living room. They were doing quite well until the loud booming voice of none other than Earth sounded throughout the halls.

"The fuck are you doing in my house, Venus?!"

Luna squeaks, glancing at the kitchen door frame. He slowly makes his way over towards it, pressing his ear against the wall. Luna listens keenly to the conversation, soap dripping off his fingertips as he leans on the door frame, overhearing the adult's go back and forth.

"Why are you even here? Don't you have to patrol the trees or some shit?"

Luma giggled, finding it amusing to see Venus watching some trees intensely.

"I don't patrol trees, and Uranus said one of the kids he takes care of also surprisingly went missing."

Lunar's smile falters as he hears the news, a pit forming in his stomach as they start to worry for whoever it was.

"O-Oh.. Y'know who it could've been..?" Earth murmurs, lowering his tone.

"Ehh, he said it was Umbrella, the mute one." Sounds of Venus flicking a lighter emit throughout the room as he lights the end of a weed wrap.

The teen shudders upon hearing something close to Umbriel's name. The two used to play DnD during their break hour. He supposes the two could be called friends. Hearing her being in some form of danger ached his pure heart.

"And.. That concerns us because..?" Earth trails off, a tinge of nervousness in his voice. "Cause we're doin' a neighborhood search for the two kiddos tonight. It starts at 5 and well, I dunno when it'll end."

"I wanna help." Luna comes out the kitchen, dried soap covering his hands as a sympathetic expression stood tall on his face.

"Oh, yeah sur-" "Hell no!" Mars and Earth say at the same time, causing the couple to glare at one another. Luna's eyebrows furrow as he doesn't know which parent to listen to. "Luna, you ain't leavin' this house, you hear me?" The navy haired adult points at Luna, putting his other hand on his hip as he stares down at the teen sternly. Luna whines, "But why!" He exclaims, crossing his arms childishly. "Cause I said so. And, dont question me, lil' boy!" Earth scolds the black haired teen who sighs dramatically.